Thursday, December 19, 2019

We Have Sexual Contact With The Natives Essay - 833 Words

â€Å"Did you have sexual contact with the natives?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Did you share needles or have any open cuts I should be aware of?† â€Å"No . . . † I said. The masked doctor examined the hundreds of boils on my face and body. A week prior, I got into a bus accident in Tanzania. I was delivering a bag full of medical supplies to a rural hospital. A tropical storm hit the night before, making the gravel road slippery. My vehicle lost control and slammed into a palm tree. I hit the front seat hard, and a dental pick pierced through my backpack, slicing my arm. I bled profusely. The next day, I flew back to Washington, D.C. only to discover boils on my body. â€Å"We’re gonna run some blood tests and update you in 2-days,† said the doctor as he left my quarantine room. I threw up in a bucket right after. The following hours were the loneliest, most miserable in my life. Born in the UK to a military dad, I lived in a total of 12 cities across 3 continents. I left friends, family, and belongings every two years. With everything in my life in flux, the only constant was my education. Information I learned from school textbooks was applicable wherever I lived. Because of this, I saw the benefit of participating in an academic field like medicine. But here I was, in a quarantine room after volunteering for three months with doctors and nurses. I felt paranoid. What if the dental pick had HIV on it? Am I gonna die? My worries soon transformed intoShow MoreRelatedWe Have Sexual Contact With The Natives? Essay832 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Did you have sexual contact with the natives?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Did you share needles or have any open cuts I should be aware of?† â€Å"No . . . † I said. The masked doctor examined the hundreds of boils on my face and body. A week prior, I got into a bus accident in Tanzania. I was delivering a bag full of medical supplies to a rural hospital. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis of National Strategies and Plans †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of National Strategies and Plans. Answer: Introduction: Australian economy is comprised significantly of the tourism industry. The reasons why tourists travel to different parts of the world are many. It may be due to business, educational purposes or even to spend leisure time. Tourism contributes significantly to the Australian economy. The rich diversity of the geography, landscapes and variety of places of visit contributes to the options for tourists as places to visit. The places are educative as well as reason for enjoyment. The unique and beautiful Australian destinations comprise coral reefs, rainforests, beach sides and even coral reefs. The lifestyle of the Australian residents is primarily peaceful and mostly outdoor. Another aspect that works in favour of Australia is that its population size is small relatively in comparison to its area. The tourism experience for the international tourists is peaceful, hassle-free and beautiful in Australia. The tourism department of the country have taken it upon themselves to increase the overall tourist count of the country. The tourism industry in Australia is a thriving one. According to statistical reports on Australian tourism, the total tourism expenditures contributed to almost three percent of the total Australian GDP. The international visitors contributed to almost one third of this. There has been a steady increase in the demand for the tourism in Australia. The report aims to understand the existing tourism scenario and make Australia the most favourite tourist destination in the world. Nature of Business: Adoption of a particular policy for the improvement in the tourism activities is important for the tourism industry and its successful development. This particular report focuses on a particular business venture related to the tourism industry. It is that of a travel agency and also includes travel agents. The people interested in travelling the world are given popular travel information, suggestions and tourism related services as well. The nature of the travel agency might be a public service or even a private retailer. The valuable and relevant information are provided on behalf of the suppliers including the airlines, hotels, cruise lines, car rentals, railways and many more. The facilities of travel insurance as well as package tours are also included. The responsibilities of the travel agent include selling the lodging, transportation and entertainment activities (Day et al., 2012). Providing guidance to the people is also important regarding the short trips as a part of the bi gger trip. All the necessary arrangements regarding the food, lodging, transport are made by the travel agents. In order to do this accurately, it is the duty of the travel agency to train the agents well and obtain accurate sand sufficient amount of information on the available hotels for each of the cities in Australia, the best adjoining restaurants, tourist spots and the available car rentals (Medlik, 2012). It can safely be said that the best idea for a probable business venture linked to` the tourism industry is the concept of the development of a travel agency. The accuracy with which the travel agents are able to provide information and the amount of perfection they are able to maintain in their deals will determine the number of tourists that will come to Australia (Morrison, 2013). The nature of the business in case of the travel agency is through the concept of online booking. The online booking facility is the most ideal option as it is possible for all customers to get online bookings available at any time of their choice. The impact of the connectivity of the internet on entire segments of the population is huge and this is the primary reason for making the online booking the most suitable choice. The availability of responses depends on the simplicity of the online website created for the travel agency. Preferably the portal should be simple and easy to operate and understand (Ruhanen, Mclennan, Moyle, 2013). Potential clients should have their own portals where the details of the trips, bookings, hotels, adjoining restaurants and all other options are available easily. The information should be relevant and best suited to the needs of the potential clients. This option of online booking if availed can prove to be the best option for the travel agency bus iness venture (Moyle et al., 2014). The promotion regarding the tourism trip opportunities need to be properly advertised as it contributes to the tourist count of a country. Circulating the pamphlets among the locals is a good option but has some disadvantages. The pamphlets being pieces of paper can be lost at any particular time point and the information is then lost. The mail method of advertisement is a better option but even mails might not be checked at regular intervals (Parsons Schumacher, 2012). Best sort of promotion is online via the personal portals of the customers. Pictures of all the famous destinations can be shared in the sites, giving details of all the visitable spots in any particular area. The benefits pr package plans available at all the local restaurants and hotels also need to be mentioned. Selected Cohort of Tourists: The probable tourist cohort that can be selected among the baby boomers, young people or married couples can be that of the baby boomers. The baby boomers comprising the relatively elderly people look for tourism trips or travel plans as a means of spending their leisure time or desire to enjoy their retirement time. The perfect opportunities for leisure time are available for the people belonging to the baby boomers category. Special plans for activities particularly enjoyed by this age group of people need to be incorporated in the itineraries of the hotels and the tourism trip planners. The focus should be on type of activities that do not involve too much of activity yet a lot of recreational opportunities. The amalgamation of the travel plans, food options and locations should be so unique as to maximise the chances of trip bookings by the baby boomers. It should be ensured that the plans should be so well thought that the prospective clients think of no other destination but Au stralia. Arrangement of funds by the tourists is the key factor in ensuring the confirmation of their travel trips. It can be safely said in case of the baby boomers that the arrangement of funds is not at all an issue. After retirement usually a lump sum amount is available to the senior citizens and utilizing some part of the money for a vacation is not much of a deal. In fact in many countries people save and keep aside a part of their earnings each year to embark on some foreign trip or tours. It can be inferred that adequate funding is available to the baby boomers for their trip plans. Business venture criteria: The business venture in connection to the travel agency should focus on highlighting those areas of the country that are the most likely to attract the baby boomers. The best areas of scenic beauty and opportunities for best enjoyment of the leisure tie should be highlighted in the trip plans for the elders. The online portals should be modified accordingly in order to increase the tourist count as well as the amount of viewership in the websites and the portals created. The trips and the proposed plans should be made as exciting and lucrative as possible to satisfy more and more buyers. Several ventures many be considered that meet the existing business venture criteria. Low cost domestic trips can be arranged for the young and middle aged people so that they can refer the trips to their parents or probably their grandparents as a separate leisure trip or a full-fledged family vacation. Trips for local university students can also be arranged so that the word-of-mouth publicity can increase the level of tourism in the country. The cost and the promotional activities need to be constantly updated. Only then will the ventures succeed. The tourism industry hugely contributes to the Australian Economy. The impediments to the business always need to be taken care of in case of the travel and tourism trips arranged (Pham et al., 2013). The streamlined airline services, the uninterrupted running of the online portal and the suggested hotel and restaurants need to be taken care of. The overall tourism industry needs to be constantly upgraded and improved (Peters Higgins-Desbiolles, 2012). Evaluation of the barriers to the tourism related infrastructure: The procedure of approval and assessment is necessary to create an environment which is suitable for the investments related to tourism infrastructure (Ruhanen Shakeela, 2013). The impediments to the overall growth of the economy need to be carefully considered. Climate changes should be borne in mind while planning trips (Morrison Pickering, 2013). The future prospects for the tourism industry include Tourism 2020 including land use and aviation planning. The future policies also need to be understood in connection to the present situation. Conclusion: Careful study of the business sectors has revealed that the tourism industry in Australia is a promising one. Further advancement is possible through proper and careful implementation of strategies and understanding in order to increase the tourist count. Providing a great tourist experience is also crucial to ensure the word-of-mouth publicity such that the people come back time after time. The care and provision for proper facilities needs to be the primary concern for the travel agency. The needs should be met keeping in mind the target cohort of tourists who have been selected. Activities pertaining to their wishes should be arranged in order to cater to their needs. In case the needs are properly met, the tourists might come time after time. It can thus be concluded that the tourism industry is an ever evolving one and proper planning and implementation of business ventures related to it can result in the high tourist count of the country. References: Day, M., Walo, M., Weeks, P., Dredge, D., Benckendorff, P., Gross, M. J., Whitelaw, P. A. (2012). Analysis of Australian tourism, hospitality and events undergraduate education programs.Sydney: Office of Teaching and Learning. The value of WIL in tourism,257. Medlik, S. (2012).Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality. Routledge. Morrison, A. M. (2013).Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge. Morrison, C., Pickering, C. M. (2013). Perceptions of climate change impacts, adaptation and limits to adaption in the Australian Alps: the ski-tourism industry and key stakeholders.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,21(2), 173-191. Moyle, B. D., McLennan, C. L. J., Ruhanen, L., Weiler, B. (2014). Tracking the concept of sustainability in Australian tourism policy and planning documents.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,22(7), 1037-1051.Neirotti, L. D. (2012). and Adventure Tourism.Sport and adventure tourism, 1. Parsons, A. G., Schumacher, C. (2012). Advertising regulation and market drivers.European Journal of Marketing,46(11/12), 1539-1558. Peters, A., Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2012). De-marginalising tourism research: Indigenous Australians as tourists.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,19(1), 76-84. Pham, T. D., Bailey, G., Marshall, J., Spurr, R., Dwyer, L. (2013).The economic impact of the current mining boom on the Australian tourism industry. Canberra: Tourism Research Australia. Ruhanen, L. M., Mclennan, C. L. J., Moyle, B. D. (2013). Strategic issues in the Australian tourism industry: A 10-year analysis of national strategies and plans.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(3), 220-240. Ruhanen, L., Shakeela, A. (2013). Responding to climate change: Australian tourism industry perspectives on current challenges and future directions.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(1-2), 35-51. South Australian Tourism Commission. (2014).South Australian Tourism Plan 2020. South Australian Tourism Commission.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lady Macbeth free essay sample

If the main theme of Macbeth is ambition, whose ambition is the driving force of the play—Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or both? Answer for Study Question #1 2. One of the important themes in Macbeth is the idea of political legitimacy, of the moral authority that some kings possess and others lack. With particular attention to Malcolm’s questioning of Macduff in Act IV, scene iii, try to define some of the characteristics that grant or invalidate the moral legitimacy of absolute power. What makes Duncan a good king? What makes Macbeth a tyrant? Answer for Study Question #2 3. An important theme in Macbeth is the relationship between gender and power, particularly Shakespeare’s exploration of the values that make up the idea of masculinity. What are these values, and how do various characters embody them? How does Shakespeare subvert his characters’ perception of gender roles? The fantastical and grotesque witches are among the most memorable figures in the play. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How does Shakespeare characterize the witches? What is their thematic significance? 2. Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo. How are they alike? How are they different? Is it possible to argue that Macbeth is the play’s villain and Macduff or Banquo its hero, or is the matter more complicated than that? Discuss the role that blood plays in Macbeth, particularly immediately following Duncan’s murder and late in the play. What does it symbolize for Macbeth and his wife? 4. Discuss Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations. What role do they play in the development of his character? 5. Is Macbeth a moral play? Is justice served at the end of the play? Defend your answer. 6. Discuss Shakespeare’s use of the technique of elision, in which certain key events take place offstage. Why do you think he uses this technique?