Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept Research Paper

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept" discusses the concept of ethics in terms of the practice of finance as a discipline, an issue that is very indispensable in entirely all disciplines that define humanity. Several studies have always confirmed that without a proper ethical framework in place, finance comes to shambles. It is imperative that people are versed with all the relevant aspects of this field so that harmony and professionalism are realized in the field. Several ethical dilemmas will normally confront the players in the field and incase one is not well versed on how to conduct themselves; it could prove very difficult to manage such situations. However, much knowledge does exist on some of the dilemmas and the most appropriate strategies on how to tackle them. In such a case, it becomes important to learn them and get acquainted with them. The research process will involve the basic primary aspects in which case data will be sought in the field. Though the most relevant practitioners in the field will be part of the process and the data will be collected and analyzed using conventional statistical aspects. Both primary and secondary sources will be considered as sources of information. Also, it is hoped that the findings will reveal that a challenge really exists with respect to ethical conduct in the field of finance. It is further expected that people will indeed confirm that they have faced challenges regarding the concept.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Risk for food hypersensitivity Essay Example for Free

Risk for food hypersensitivity Essay Link To Nursing There is a growing concern among the population about food hypersensitivity as a primary health risk. Breast fed infants may potentially be exposed to a more diverse diet via variable components of milk transmitted from the mother, compared to the relatively static composition of commercial infant formulas. To determine whether or not breastfeeding might potentially decrease risk of food hypersensitivity is important to the field of nursing because nurses are in a primary position to educate their patients and the public about disease prevention and wellness practices to optimize health. The healthcare community has diagnosed an increase in food hypersensitivity over the past few decades and it is our duty and opportunity as nurses to work with a multidisciplinary team to develop and promote front-line evidence-based interventions. If breastfed infants demonstrate a decrease in the incidence of food hypersensitivity later in life, then subsequent efforts to educate the public could have an enormous positive impact on promoting long-term wellness for future generations. Primary Resource Venter, C., Pereira, B., Voigt, K., Grundy, J., Clayton, C., Higgins, B., Dean, T. (2009). Factors associated with maternal dietary intake, feeding and weaning practices, and the development of food hypersensitivity in the infant. Pediatric Allergy And Immunology: Official Publication Of The European Society Of Pediatric Allergy And Immunology, 20(4), 320-327. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3038.2008.00832.x

Saturday, October 26, 2019

C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay -- Woodward St

C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow In the field of history, it is rare that an author actually comes to shape the events discussed in their writing. However, this was the case for C. Vann Woodward and his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. First published in 1955, it discusses this history of race relations in America, more specifically the Jim Crow laws he equates with the segregation of races. Woodward argues that segregation itself was a fairly new development within the South, and did not begin until after Reconstruction ended. He further argues that since the South has seen so much change, citing the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the development of the Jim Crow laws, it is possible for more changes to occur in a movement away from segregation. Though to a modern reader this seems like a logical argument following the events of history as they occurred, it must be remembered that Woodward was writing during the time period in which all of this was happening and nothing was certain. As William S. McFeely states in his afterword, what Woodward â€Å"so modestly stated, was, in fact, a call for the overthrow of what was perceived to be the very grounding of Southern society.† Unlike most historians, Woodward wrote about segregation and the Civil Rights Movement with such proximity that he came to affect public opinion of the time period as well as the final outcome of events. Furthermore, Woodward wrote with what we can now see to be accurate foresight as well as with a clear understanding of historical writing and the challenges it can pose. In order to support his argument that Jim Crow laws were not developed during the era of slavery in the South, the traditional belief, but rather later in ... ...ctive. But someone has to make a beginning.† Making a beginning is exactly what C. Vann Woodward accomplished with the publication of The Strange Career of Jim Crow. A Southerner, he rebelled against other interpretations, unafraid of provoking anger or disagreement during his era. It is his work which laid the groundwork for future publications and in turn greatly influenced Americans’ opinions of his era and thereafter. Any criticisms of his interpretations would be due to his inability to see the future, and these were usually mistakes he attempted to remedy through revisions and later publications of the book, which, in a true testament to its importance, has yet to go out of print. When the rare occurrence of a historical work affecting the course of history occurs, such as this one, the importance of both the work and the historian becomes clear.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Family and Young Boy Charley

Book Report â€Å"For One More Day†, By Mitch Albom Made by: Kitti Kristanti, Sec 1d For One More Day â€Å"This is a story about a family, and as there is a ghost involved, you might call it a ghost story. But every family is a ghost story  . The dead sit at our tables long after they have gone. † This is a beautiful, haunting novel about the family we love and the chances we miss. It explores the question, â€Å"What would you do if you could spend one more day with the ones you love? †Ã‚   The story  covers a conversation  Charley Benetto has with a sports writer.Throughout the conversation he goes back and forth between  the one last day he had with his mother and the important  events in his life, sharing his feelings– both past and present– about them. I particularly enjoyed the   way he shared throughout the book little vignettes of the times his mother stood up for him and the times he didn’t stand up for her. As a mother myself, I couldn’t help wondering if someday my own children would be able to look back and see with clarity the sacrifices I have made for them.Throughout the book I ‘heard’ some of the same things from the young boy Charley that I hear from my own children. It was rewarding and brought hope to see him come to a realization of how his interpretation of the events had been inaccurate and skewed by emotions in the moment. Perhaps my children will also understand someday As a young boy Charley Benetto makes the choice to be a daddy’s boy and does everything his father asks him to. Then his father disappears, leaving a broken family and an embarrassing situation for the young Charley to endure.Being raised by a single mother has it’s challenges and plenty of embarrassment, many that Charley takes out on his mother. â€Å"So he chooses his father, and he worships him- right up to the day the man disappears. An eleven-year-old Charley must then turn to his mother, who bravely raises him on her own, despite Charley’s emabarrassment and yearning for a complete family. †   Ã¢â‚¬ Decade later, Charley is a broken man. His life has been crumbled by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. He hits bottom after discovering his only daughter has shut him out of her wedding.And he decides to take his own life. † â€Å"He makes a midnight ride to his small home-town, with plans to do himself in. But upon failing to do that, he staggers back to his old house, only to make an astonishing discovery. His mother- who died eight years earlier- is still living there, and welcomes him home as if nothing had ever happened. † â€Å"What follows is the one ‘ordinary’ day so many of us yearn for, a chance to make good with a lost parent, to explain family secrets, and to seek forgiveness. Somewhere between this life and the next, Charley learns the things he never knew about his mother and h er sacrifices.And he tries, with her tender guidance, to put the crumbled pieces of his life back together. † I related to this story on many levels. As a single mother myself I could relate to many of the experiences described and gained insight into what my children may be experiencing as a result of events they have no control over. As a daughter  who has at times experienced a  strained relationship with my own mother,   I gained  valuable insights into my own childhood memories and interpretations and was  reminded, again, that there is much more to the story that I do not completely understand.And as always– the betrayal revealed in the end made the recent and  painful betrayal of my own life seem small and insignificant in comparison. This clever story, told in Mitch’s masterful storytelling style, has left me with a new appreciation and understanding for those I love and has motivated me to be more intentional in valuing and cherishing the rel ationships I enjoy with those I love so that I will not be left with regrets for the experiences and the love lost. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever been a part of a family, who has ever lived with regrets, and who has ever questionned the value of their very existence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wgu Kot 2

Medicare, the Uninsured, and International Healthcare Review Western Governors University Medicare, the Uninsured, and International Healthcare Review Healthcare and healthcare reform are hot topics of debate in today's society. As the population grows and life expectancy increases, the nation faces many challenges in providing healthcare benefits to the people. â€Å"According to the report, titled Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010, 49. 9 million Americans or 16. 3 percent of the total US population had no health insurance in 2010.That percentage represents a slight increase on 2009’s figures, when 49 million citizens or 16. 1 percent of the population was uninsured† (Gamser, 2011). Unless there is a turnaround in their economic downfall, unemployment rate, and healthcare reform these numbers will most likely continue to increase. This paper will discuss some of these issues and how they impact two different families. The paper wi ll look at Mrs. Zwick, a 77-year-old female who was hospitalized for five days following a minor stroke and is then transferred to the skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation.Her rehabilitation is delayed 10 days into her stay due to a hospital acquired urinary tract infection. Discussion will include coverage for her medical care using Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D. Discussion will also include how the hospital acquired infection is not reimbursed by Medicare. Finally the paper will discuss how Mr. Davis, a gentleman with chronic sickle cell anemia and loses his job position due to his illness, will have the option to continue insurance coverage by way of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).Discussion will include two challenges that state or local government face when providing care for the uninsured with long-term or chronic illnesses. Elaboration on one of the challenges will be further described. Due to his frustrations with loss of his employmen t, healthcare coverage, and his chronic sickle cell anemia, Mr. Davis verbalizes he wish he lived in another country. Through investigation of healthcare in Great Britain, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland this paper will discuss which of these countries would best benefit Mr. Davis if you ere to become a citizen there. Mrs. Zwick was hospitalized for five days following a mild stroke, and then transferred to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation with projected discharge in 21 days. However it is discovered that she developed a hospital acquired urinary tract infection 10 days into her rehabilitation requires IV antibiotics to treat. The infection leads per week and unable to continue her rehabilitation until the urinary tract infection is cleared. As a result, instead of 21 days in rehabilitation she has to stay 40 days.When discharged she was giving a prescription for several medications and a walker. Her daughter inquires about the bills from other is insured with Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D and asks the nurse if she can explain the benefits to her. Medicare Part A, which is also known as hospital insurance, is usually provided free since Medicare taxes are paid into the program while working. â€Å"Part A is hospital insurance that helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facility, hospice, and home health care† (Medicare. gov, n. d. ). Cherry and Jacob (2011, p. 28) states that Medicare is a federal health insurance plan for Americans 65 and older and certain disabled people. The client must be eligible for Social Security or Railroad retirement. The nurse would explain that Medicare Part A will cover the cost of the hospital stay as well as the skilled nursing and rehabilitation stay. Medicare Part B she explains is considered to be the medical insurance. This will cover services such as physician services, services and supplies that are needed to diagnose and treat her medical condition and would also cover certain pr eventative services such as flu vaccines (Medicare. ov, n. d. ). This would cover the rehabilitation services that her mother has received while in the rehabilitation center as well as the walker that was prescribed by the physician at the time of discharge. Medicare Part D is the prescription drug plan. There are various options under this portion of Medicare and depending on the one that your mother has chosen would base the amount of coverage that she would receive for prescription medications. This does not necessarily cover the full cost of the prescription medications; there are deductibles and copayments that must be met. The hospital acquired rinary tract infection that Mrs. Zwick developed during her hospital stay is not covered by Medicare. Research of an article in Medical News Today states: â€Å"Starting in 2009, Medicare, the US government's health insurance program for elderly and disabled Americans, will not cover the costs of â€Å"preventable† conditions, m istakes and infections resulting from a hospital stay. So for instance, if you are on Medicare and you pick up a hospital acquired infection while you are being treated for something that is covered by Medicare, the extra cost of treating the hospital acquired infection will no longer be paid for by Medicare.Instead, the bill will be picked up by the hospital itself since the rules don't allow the hospital to charge it to you† (Paddock, 2007). Healthcare acquired infections (HAI) not only contribute to exorbitant amounts of financial burden on the healthcare system but also attribute to staggering numbers of patient deaths. â€Å"Healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) are infections that patients contract while receiving treatment for medical and surgical conditions. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that HAIs contracted in U. S. ospitals account for approximately two million infections, 99,000 deaths, and an estimated $4. 5 billion in excess costs annually† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009) More recent results show a very minuscule decline in these types of infections. It is but a mere scratch at the surface of the deeply rooted problem within our healthcare systems. There are ethical implications as well in treating Mrs. Zwick’s healthcare acquired infection. As healthcare providers, there is a duty to do no harm. Ethically we must do the right thing as an advocate for patient safety.To attain these standards the healthcare provider must diligently be cognizant of infection control measures and ways to improve current practice. Examples include strict hand hygiene, aseptic technique, and current best practice as defined by evidenced based medicine. The continuous monitoring and surveillance of all healthcare acquired infections looking for trends. Perhaps it is a specific hospital unit or employee. These identifiers will assist through education and competency in the correction and preven tion of future occurrences.Healthcare as a whole also has an ethical obligation to make known to the patient, patient families and the community these HAI’s when discovered. This paper will now focus on Mr. Davis who was terminated by his employer for extended absences due to hospitalizations from chronic sickle cell anemia. Even though Mr. Davis is unemployed his employer must offer him the opportunity to continue his healthcare benefit under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).COBRA requires employers with more than 20 employees to provide the employee and his family the opportunity to continue medical benefits for up to 18 months. This includes voluntary or involuntary job loss, decreased work hours, changing jobs, and various life changing events. The employee may be responsible for paying the entire premium to continue this healthcare coverage. COBRA can also impose fines of up to $110 per day to employers that fail to offer continued healthcare be nefits to the separated employee. (U. S. Department of Labor, n. d. ) Should Mr.Davis remain unemployed beyond the 18 month limit imposed by COBRA, state and local government are usually called upon to provide assistance. There are options available but often times these require months or even years to get assistance and quite frequently require the assistance of an attorney to receive benefits. Medicaid is probably the most widely known and the recommended source of state medical assistance. The Medicaid program is a federal and state grant program that used primarily for the disabled, low income families with dependent children, and people who are confined in nursing homes with low income levels.The state is responsible for setting the guidelines of eligibility for this program. Once Medicaid is approved for an individual, the coverage can be retroactive for up to three months from the time it was approved. Indigent and underinsured medical care must be funded by state and local g overnment. This challenge is usually met through taxation. Each municipality and sometimes healthcare district must budget to provide care for its citizens through state and local tax. Depending on the economic region this can present a huge challenge.For example, areas of Florida where migrant farmers are present may have to budget more for healthcare than a wealthier district such as West Palm Beach. So in reality, all working citizens pay for the indigent healthcare in their particular municipality. In Texas such budgeting and care is known as the Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act passed in 1985. This act spells out what basic services must be allowed for the indigent in each county. If more care is provided then it is the local governments’ responsibility to pay for it.Other state and local programs may include State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) which is also a state and national government run program designed for families that don't meet the minimum requirements for Medicaid due to income even though the income is still modestly below poverty level. Local and state governments may also provide other benefits such as free clinics, public health, Meals on Wheels, subsidized housing, discounted transportation services, food stamps, and free or discounted childcare for working parents.Local consumers have even pitched in by providing either free or drastically reduced prescription medications that are commonly prescribed to provide assistance during these tough economic times. Mr. Davis had mentioned in his frustration that at times he wished he lived in another country. His hope would be that healthcare would be more accessible to him. This paper will look at the healthcare system of four different countries Great Britain, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland. After a brief review of the healthcare systems in these countries this paper will focus on one country's health care system that would benefit Mr.Davis the most. Discussion of th is country's healthcare system will examine areas such as medication coverage, pre-existing conditions coverage, requirements if necessary for healthcare specialist evaluation and the access for retired people, children, and the unemployed. The healthcare system in Great Britain is considered to be socialized medicine. Basically what this means is that the citizens of Great Britain pay taxes for health care and in return the government-run National Health Service (NHS) provides and pays those funds to healthcare providers.There are no fees when a patient sees a physician since most physicians and nurses are government employees. In order to see a specialist patients must first visit there general practitioner for a referral. Physician visits are free; however there are fees for prescription medications. â€Å"Young people and the elderly are exempt from all drug co-pays† (Public Broadcast System, n. d. ). A major problem with this healthcare system according to Tanner (2008 p . 4) is the extremely long waits for healthcare and depending upon the patient's severity of illness, a procedure such as an open heart surgery for someone deemed too ill or too old by the government may be denied treatment. Switzerland has long been considered to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. However it is not without its drawbacks. The overall cost for healthcare and Switzerland is second only to the United States. Even still is far less than what the United States spends on healthcare. All residents residing in Switzerland are required to purchase basic healthcare insurance with them three months of residency.Swiss law requires all citizens to purchase a basic package of health insurance, an individual mandate. The term basic benefits package is somewhat misleading since the required benefits are quite extensive, including inpatient and outpatient care, care for the elderly and the physically and mentally handicapped, long-term nursing home care, diagnosti c tests, prescription drugs, and complementary and alternative therapies. (Tanner, 2008 p. 25) The Swiss government does provide assistance for those that are low income and can't afford to pay the healthcare premiums.It is expected that citizens pay no more than 10% of their income on healthcare premiums. Referrals to specialists are not required by the primary care physician. There are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Private rooms in the hospital and dental insurance require a supplemental policy and are not covered in the basic plan. Healthcare in Germany is based primarily on two types of insurances, public and private insurance. Anyone earning a salary in Germany must have public health insurance. This public health insurance covers not only the employee of German citizenship but all nonworking dependents as well.There is no added cost for pre-existing conditions. Pregnant women are provided public health insurance for free. The premium for the insurance is around 5% of the person’s total income. Referrals are not required to see a specialist but higher co-pay may be charged. If a person opts out of the public health insurance for private insurance he cannot go back later to the public health insurance, even if income drops below the level required for private insurance (Underwood, 2009). The unemployed people are covered through a social fund which pays the physicians fee.This paper will now discuss the healthcare system in Japan. The Japan healthcare system would probably be the most beneficial for Mr. Davis of the four countries that we have researched. There are two types of healthcare insurance in Japan, National Health Insurance and Employees’ Health Insurance. Anyone who cannot afford healthcare insurance is provided with public assistance. The premium for the Employees’ Health Insurance is usually split between the employer and the employee; although there are some companies that will pay more. â€Å"Everyone in Ja pan is covered by insurance for medical and dental care and drugs.Insurers do not compete, and they all cover the same services and drugs for the same price† (Arnquist, 2009). The government decides on the fee schedule. Insurance premiums are not held or inflated for pre-existing conditions. Premiums are based on taxable income for the National Health Insurance. This insurance is for the self-employed, retirees and students. â€Å"The financial resources for unemployment benefits are covered by insurance premiums paid by employees and employers (they equally bear the amount equivalent to 0. 8% of workers' wages) and by the National Treasury† (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 2011).Healthcare is free for all children under the age of six. So as a result Mr. Davis would be well covered under Japan's healthcare system. Mr. Davis will have coverage for his medications, he would be able to see any specialist of his choice although a premium might be added without ha ving a referral, and there is no denial or rate increase for pre-existing conditions and the healthcare system provides for children, the unemployed and retired persons. In summation, this paper has discussed Medicaid Part A, B, and D. There is discussion on how COBRA would help Mr. Davis continue his insurance while he's out of work.There has been discussion of at least two challenges that both local and state government would face in providing care for Mr. Davis. And then finally there is some discussion of healthcare in Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and of course Japan which is the system that was chosen for Mr. Davis. While researching this paper it is discovered that healthcare reform is needed not only in the United States of America but throughout the entire world as well. The hope is that one day everyone will be afforded some type of healthcare coverage. References Arnquist, S. (2009, August 25). Health care abroad: Japan.Retrieved from http://www. prescriptions. blo gs. nytimes. com/2009/08/25/health-care-abroad-japan/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009, December 31). Healthcare acquired infection and prevention plan. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/HAI/pdfs/stateplans/or. pdf Cherry, B. , & Jacob, S. R. (2011). Contemporary Nursing issues, trends, & management (5th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Gamser, M. (2011, September 16). US Census Shows Little Change in Number of Uninsured Americans. Retrieved from http://www. globalsurance. com/blog/us-census-shows-little-change-in-number-of-uninsured-americans-420520. tml Medicare. gov (n. d. ). Medicare Benefits. Retrieved from http://www. medicare. gov/navagation/medicare-basics/medicare-benefits/part-a. aspx? AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 Paddock, C. (2007, August 20). Medicare will not pay for hospital mistakes and infections, new rules. Retrieved from http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/80074. php Public Broadcast System (n. d. ). Sick around the world. Retrieved f rom http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/countries/ Tanner, M. (2008, March 18). The grass is not always greener: a look at national health care systems around the world.Retrieved from http://www. scribd. com/doc/13673626/–the–grass–is–not-always–greener–a–look–at–national–health–care-systems–around–the–world–Cato–policy–analysis–no–613– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (2011). Second periodic report by the government of Japan under articles 16 and 17 of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. Retrieved from http://www. mofa. go. jp/policy/human/econo_rep2/article9. html U. S. Department of Labor (n. d. ). Health plans & benefits, continuation of health coverage-COBRA. Retrieved from http://www. dol. gov/dol/topic/health-plans/cobra. htm Underwood, A. (2009,

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Learn About the Careers Available to Chemistry Majors

Learn About the Careers Available to Chemistry Majors The career options in chemistry are practically endless. However, your employment options depend on how far you have taken your education. A 2-year degree in chemistry wont get you very far. You could work in some labs washing glassware or assist at a school with lab preparation, but you wouldnt have much advancement potential and you could expect a high level of supervision. A college bachelors degree in chemistry (B.A., B.S.) opens up more opportunities. A four-year college degree can be used to gain admittance to advanced degree programs (e.g., graduate school, medical school, law school). With the bachelors degree, you can get a bench job, which would allow you to run equipment and prepare chemicals. A bachelors degree in chemistry or education (with a lot of chemistry courses) is necessary to teach at the K-12 level. A masters degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, or related field opens up far more options. A terminal degree, such as a Ph.D. or M.D., leaves the field wide open. In the United States, you need at least 18 graduate credit hours to teach at the college level (preferably a Ph.D.). Most scientists who design and supervise their own research programs have terminal degrees. Chemistry is involved with biology and physics, and there are many career options in pure chemistry as well. Careers in Chemistry Heres a look at some of the career options related to chemistry: AgrochemistryAnalytical ChemistryAstrochemistryAtmospheric ChemistryBiochemistryBiotechnologyCatalysisCeramics IndustryChemical Engineering (chemical engineer profile)Chemical Information SpecialistChemical SalesChemical TechnologyChemist (chemist profile)Colloid ScienceConsultingConsumer ProductsEnvironmental ChemistryEnvironmental LawEthnobotanyFood ChemistryForensic ScienceGeochemistryGovernment PolicyHazardous Waste ManagementInorganic ChemistryMaterials ScienceMedicineMetallurgyMilitary SystemsOceanographyOrganic ChemistPaper IndustryPatent LawPerfume ChemistryPetroleum and Natural Gas IndustryPharmaceuticalsPhysical ChemistryPlastics IndustryPolymer IndustryRD ManagementScience WriterSoftware DesignSpace ExplorationSurface ChemistryTeachingTechnical WritingTextile Industry This list isnt complete. You can work chemistry into any industrial, educational, scientific, or governmental field. Chemistry is a very versatile science. Mastery of chemistry is associated with excellent analytical and mathematical skills. Students of chemistry are able to solve problems and think things through. These skills are useful for any job. Also, see 10 Great Careers in Chemistry.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Lapsus Calami of Principle for Principal

The Lapsus Calami of Principle for Principal The Lapsus Calami of Principle for Principal The Lapsus Calami of Principle for Principal By Maeve Maddox The third time I let the erroneous â€Å"principle parts† slip into a published post instead of the correct â€Å"principal parts,† I began to worry. Why would I continue to make this mistake even though I know perfectly well that the word spelled principle is used only as a noun and never as an adjective? Principal, on the other hand, is usually an adjective, although it may also be used as a noun: principle (noun): a fundamental truth; a rule adopted as a guide to action. The desire to help the helpless is a basic principle of morality. She lives according to the principle that it is always possible to be kind. principal (adjective): most important; highest in rank or order. Dr. Singh is the principal author of the study. It’s necessary to memorize the principal parts of irregular verbs. principal (noun): a person occupying the most important position in an organization or activity. Mr. McCarthy has been named the principal in the lawsuit. Ms. Washington is the principal at Jones School. According to Sigmund Freud, when we make an error in speech (â€Å"a slip of the tongue†) or an error in writing (lapsus calami), we are being guided by â€Å"a subdued wish, conflict, or train of thought guided by the ego and the rules of correct behavior.† Cognitive psychologists, on the other hand, say that such slips can be caused by mere inattention or lack of knowledge. Knowing that my errors with principal/principle weren’t the result of lack of knowledge or inattention (I proof these posts at least six times before submitting them), I read further. I think I’ve found my answer in this explanation quoted in the Wikipedia article â€Å"Freudian Slip†: [these errors may be caused by] the existence of some locally appropriate response pattern that is strongly primed by its prior usage, recent activation or emotional change or by the situation calling conditions. My slip with principal/principle always occurs in the context of writing about the principal parts of the verb. And what are these parts? They are: present, past, past participle, and present participle. I think my brain anticipates the -le of the word participle. That may explain why I write the term incorrectly, but why don’t I catch the error when I proofread? Tom Stafford, a lecturer in psychology at the University of Sheffield in England, says that it’s difficult to catch errors because the brain generalizes the simple components of sentences so it can focus on complex tasks, like combining sentences into ideas. We don’t catch errors because we don’t see them. Writing about typographical errors, Freud cites a case in which an article had been carefully proofed by the author and the editor-in-chief of the paper in which it was to be published; both men were satisfied that everything was correct. The printer’s reader caught the mistake that the other men missed: Our readers will bear witness to the fact that we have always acted in a  selfish  manner for the good of the community. The intended word was unselfish. Stafford suggests that one way to catch errors to which we’ve become blind is to change the font and colors of the proof copy; changing the visual form makes it easier to see details we would otherwise miss. It’s also probably a good idea to acquaint yourself with your own particular bà ªtes noires and be on the lookout for them. Things like mixing up principal and principle. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Spelling Test 1Peace of Mind and A Piece of One's MindHow to Write a Proposal

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Spelling Tips I Before E Except After C

Spelling Tips I Before E Except After C Spelling Tips: I Before E Except After C Vowel order can be tricky in English, since there isn’t always an obvious connection between how a word is spelled and the way it sounds. The â€Å"ee† sound in â€Å"believe,† for instance, is the same as in â€Å"deceive.† But the vowels in the middle of these words are reversed. The key difference is that â€Å"deceive† is spelled with a â€Å"c,† which is why we use the rhyme â€Å"i before e except after c† to remind us how to spell certain words. â€Å"I Before E Except After C† The phrase â€Å"i before e except after c† is a mnemonic: i.e., something that helps us remember something. In this case, it reminds us that â€Å"i† comes before â€Å"e† in many words, except when they are preceded by a â€Å"c.† We’ve seen how this works with â€Å"believe† and â€Å"deceive,† but there are plenty of extra examples to help make it clearer: â€Å"ie† (No â€Å"c†) â€Å"ei† (After â€Å"c†) Achieve Perceive Diesel Ceiling Belief Conceivable Acquiesce Receipt Piece Receive The Exceptions†¦ As with most rules in English, â€Å"i before e except after c† is only a guideline and there are plenty of words that don’t follow this pattern. In fact, there are 923 English words spelled with â€Å"-cie-,† which means there are more exceptions to this rule than words that follow it! Many words that end â€Å"-cy,† for example, are spelled with â€Å"-cies† when pluralized (e.g., when â€Å"democracy† becomes â€Å"democracies†). Comparatives and superlatives may also require using â€Å"-ie-† after â€Å"c† (e.g., when â€Å"bouncy† becomes â€Å"bouncier† or â€Å"bounciest†). The correct spelling of bouncier and bounciest is vital for grading inflatable castles. [Photo: Oast House Archive]Furthermore, some words spelled with â€Å"-ei-† or â€Å"-ie-,† but that don’t contain an â€Å"ee† sound, such as â€Å"beige† or â€Å"science,† don’t follow the â€Å"i before e† rule either (e.g., â€Å"foreign,† â€Å"neighbor† and â€Å"weight†). To make matters more confusing, we also have words that contain an â€Å"ee† sound but don’t have a â€Å"c,† yet which are spelled with an â€Å"-ei-† (e.g., â€Å"weird† or â€Å"caffeine†). The point is that â€Å"i before e except after c† is sometimes helpful if you’re not sure how to spell a word. However, there are many cases in which this does not apply. This makes it particularly important to proofread your work, checking the spelling of any words about which you’re uncertain.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

FedEx company in courier delivery industry.International Business Essay

FedEx company in courier delivery industry.International Business - Essay Example Business analysts often point out the reasons why certain firms have gone out to the international markets and have been successful while others have been a total failure in their pursuit of international growth. The initiative taken by a an international company or firm to tap into new markets requires consistency with the company’s overall strategy since unfocussed or sporadic exploitation of resources directed at achievement of international market growth can be counterproductive by soaking up limited resources with little or no returns. Any obstacles that might hinder entry into markets such as duties or regulatory laws need to be determined beforehand and adequately addressed. In the Chinese market, the authorities do not permit FedEx and other multinational firms to conduct domestic courier services (Berman 2012). It is therefore imperative that managers tasked with the duty of analysing strategies of entering new markets identify and clearly detail the company’s strengths and weaknesses to assist in maximizing and focusing on the international opportunities. Aspects of the company such as sales, supply chain, and marketing should be addressed, a clear and detailed direction should be formulated and management support resources dedicated to increase chances of success that may otherwise be impeded by lack of familiarity. Companies need to establish effective supply chain models and infrastructures that link efficiently with the commercial aspect of the business to formulate a strategy that enhances growth in new and existing markets. FedEx Market Entry Strategies in China FedEx is a multinational corporation established in America, but has a complex network of branches and subsidiaries around the globe and it deals with the business of courier. FedEx is  a global enterprise that conducts its various activities and operations throughout  the world in countries such as China among others. China is a major world economy dealing in electrome chanical goods such as cars and other electronic products like phones and computers. These products are in high demand in many countries and continents of the world and for these merchandise to reach their targeted destinations the producing company is obligated to contact a transporting agency specifically FedEx to conduct the translocation. FedEx as  a business enterprise has distinct rules and structures guiding its operations to ensure successful transaction in the global scene including the Chinese market.  Ã‚  These structures include the Global Entry Strategies which is a mechanism involved with efficient delivery of  parcels to a specific location and spreading them there mainly involving importing and exporting such products. Theories under this structure include sequential theory and  network theory (Liso and Leoncini 2010, p.189). This theory is closely related to the Uppsala model that states that organizations perfect their business in overseas markets; therefor e, FedEx has an obligation of first training their employees on various fields in order to perfect the handling and service provision. This theory has four major stages composing of maintenance of sporadic exports, use of representatives and agencies, overseas sales through knowledge agreements with domestic firms and FDI in the foreign market. The main features of  the Uppsala model in any organization and specific to FedEx include experience achieved from the domestic market before embarking on the

Auditing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Auditing - Assignment Example This report will discuss several audit problems which can impact the materiality of financial statements. Wentworth Brewster limited specializes with the manufacture of sports equipment. All the products are sold to specialist retailers and private member gym clubs. The company owns a large number of freehold premises than it generally requires. The surplus office is usually sub-let to three other businesses. All sales are on a credit basis and customers are authorized and credit checked by the credit controller before an account is being set up. Detailed records on stocks are also maintained. The audit risk areas for Wentworth relate to debtors, stocks, claims on damages and rent income. Debtors have been circularized and no evaluation on replies and follow ups on non-replies had been done. There was also a dispute from a particular debtor with regard to account balance. There were also slow-moving stocks whose valuation was questionable. Rental income had not been audited since it was argued that its amount was less than that of sales income. Finally, there were no provisions made for claims or contingency. The audit duration will be a period of one month and the audit team will from time to time visit the site to obtain information. Communication shall also be done via emails when necessary. Debtors The main purpose of circularizing debtors is to obtain evidence regarding the ownership, existence and value of debtors in the financial statement. Debtors are third parties and thus are considered to be an external source of information. Obtaining evidence from different sources or types especially from third parties increases the level of assurance (Kumar and Sharma 2006). Circularization is done by writing to debtors directly requesting them to confirm their account balances. Debtors’ circularization can either be positive or negative. In positive circularization, the debtors are required to respond whether they agree or disagree to the contents of the circular. In negative circularization, the debtor is required to respond whether they disagree with the contents of the circular. The major drawback of negative circularization is that in case the debtors fails to reply to the contents of the circular, the auditor assumes that he is in agreement with the contents of the circular. The auditor of Wentworth Brewster limited sent circulars to a sample of 30 debtors to confirm year end balances. There were replies and non-replies to the circular. Second request was done to non-replies where some debtors replied but five did not reply. One of the debtors who failed to reply had a zero balance while three of these debtors had balances ranging between ?5,000 and ?20,000. There were no follow ups done on these accounts. The fifth customer was a major customer, Multi-gym ltd and had a yearend balance of ?145,000. The audit senior had discussions with the credit controller of Wentworth with regard to this account as part of the follow up proce ss. According to the credit controller, Multi-gym limited had disputes on a number of invoices worth ?95,000. The amount related to a model of rowing machines bought from Wentworth and Multi-gym disputed that the machines were inefficient as they kept on jamming every time. Upon the receipt of replies, the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Economic Outcome Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economic Outcome Analysis - Research Paper Example The same concepts and models are going to be applied to Andy's Parties business to determine whether it would be viable for it to be franchised. The first fundamental step is to evaluate the business. This step would be help in determining the sale and the profitability of a business. If the sales of a business are decimal, it would be difficult to franchise such a business since the sales reflect the standing of the business in the market. Less profitable businesses are businesses that are likely to have fewer customers and their products and services are not well known to the targeted customers. Andy's Parties’ annual financial record shows that it does not do well in terms of selling its services to its customers. For the whole year it organized an average 650 parties for the whole year (Spinelli, Rosenberg, and Birley, 2004). This translates to nearly one to a maximum of two parties a day at an average cost of $385 per event. These are low sales for the Andy's Parties to c onsider franchising its services. In other words, Andy's Parties services and may be products are not known vastly among its targeted customers; therefore, it would be difficult or quite a challenge for the franchisees to do well in selling Andy's Parties services. ... In this case, the franchisors are usually expecting 15% ROI where if the initial investment for the franchising business is $200,000, the franchisee is expected to look for a minimum of $30,000 as the annual profits of the business. Moreover, the business needs to pay for royalties. The Andy’s Parties annual operation cost is $470,000, thirty percent of this amount is $141,000. This means that when it franchises the business, the franchisee will be expected to have a return of $141,000 at the end of the third year (Spinelli, Rosenberg, and Birley, 2004). From the Andy's Parties annual report, it can only manage $80,000 before tax. This means that its expectation of its franchisees will be more that what it makes by itself. Notably, the franchisees must also pay loyalties above the amount they are required to return into the Andy's Parties investments (Mhlaba, 2004). With this large figures reality, franchising Andy's Parties services will be a burden to Andy's Parties and fran chisee since the reality of profit making will never come by within the expected period. Additionally, the Andy's Parties has not provided its business structure that would help the franchisee to determine their relationship with the franchisor. It is usually vital to couple ROI which is a single unit with other successful base model to warrant franchising. In most cases, it is usually difficult to replicate the success and effectiveness of a single unit especially where the owner of the business is passionate and quite hand on with the business (Hayes, 2005). In this case, it is vital for the business intending to franchise its services to try its business concepts in at least three locations. Therefore, since Andy's Parties has not tried

POLITICS how effective is parliament in ensuring executive Essay

POLITICS how effective is parliament in ensuring executive accountability - Essay Example An accountable executive must be in a position to; meet statutory obligations and audit requirements, produce substantive evidence in court proceedings, withstand attention from and scrutiny of the media, meet set standards for accreditation and justify their actions to commissions of inquiry like parliamentary commissions and the Royal Commissions (Budge et al, 2003). Parliament is the highest representative organ of the government that individually and collectively accounts to the people. It therefore must reflect social and public concerns so as to remain legitimate and accountable in the eyes of the public. By the mandate given in the constitution, parliament has a responsibility to ensure transparency and accountability of the executive arm of the government and achieve this role by assuming oversight to all activities of the executive and all its auxiliary bodies. To do this effectively, parliament staff must be strengthened in their oversight role so as to deliver their mandat e as non partisan officials of the state. Parliament therefore uses a number of mechanisms to check on the transactions of the executive. In doing so, institutional accountability of parliament must also be maintained collectively. Since fosters of accountability must first show that they are accountable as well. This is achievable by the members of parliament developing a code of behaviour that will guide them as they pursue this mandate (Garnett et al, 2012). This essay is discusses the mechanisms put in place by parliament to hold the executive to account. It discusses these in detail, their pros and cons, and then concludes with an analysis of how effective they are in ensuring executive accountability. First among these mechanisms is the use of parliamentary select committees, then there is ministerial question time and finally there is prime minister question time. The following section discusses these measures into detail. Select Committees Parliamentary select committees are committees that can be appointed by the House of Commons or the House of Lords or Joint Committees drawn from both houses. Examples of these committees are the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, the Delegated Powers and Regulatory Reform Committee and the Joint Committee on Human Rights Respectively. Committees may be sessional, which means they are permanent or near permanent, or they may also be ad-hoc, meaning they are appointed just to complete a certain task and then disbanded (Garnett et al, 2012). Committees in parliament are formed to ensure transparency, efficiency and accountability of executive and as stated earlier of parliament itself. The work of committees is primarily to pore over the transactions of the executive and ensure executive transparency to the public. Constitutional Committee This committee of the House of Lords spans across all parties and has the mandate has the mandate of resisting constitutional change that will harm the interest of the people. It inve stigates a proposed amendment by engaging experts including members of the executive and the public before any amendments are made. Economic Affairs Committee The economic affairs committee is a committee of the House of Lords charged with the responsibility of scrutinizing the financial

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Employee Relations and Employee Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee Relations and Employee Law - Essay Example The latter was largely unpopular with employers and some employees but provided a lot of billing time to the legal fraternity due to its intricate and indefinite procedures that were wrought with problematic clauses. An Associate at Mogers Associates, Tim Gofton observed that, ‘The complexity of the SDRP and the wide interpretations given by Tribunals to important areas of the SDRP (such as supposedly straightforward issues such as what constitutes a ‘grievance’) pushed employees towards seeking legal advice. This in itself pushed parties further away from resolution’ (Gofton, 2009 p.2). For the second time in five years, dispute resolution between employers and employees will be radically overhauled through an introduction of a process that has less stringent measures to the defaulting persons or entities when compared to the earlier process. While a majority of the players have welcomed the new forum for resolution of grievances, others have questioned the ambiguities encompassed in the new code which might lead to further escalation of grievance claims like in the earlier process (an increase by 40 - 65 percent within the last two years). Tynan (2009), however asserts that ‘the code is certainly less prescriptive than the old statutory dispute resolution procedures (SDRPs) that promoted fixation on procedural compliance rather than working actively to resolve the dispute.’(Tynan, 2009, p. 1). The formation of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) in 1975 was preceded by a period of great turmoil in the relationships between employers and their staff. Large-scale industrial unrest in the late 1970s and 1980s was widespread due to lack of an agreeable dispute or grievance resolutions mechanism between the employers and employees. The government as a result formed ACAS through the Employment Protection Act to act as the arbitrator in the many highly volatile national strikes that were paralysing the nation hence sabotaging

Long Term Care Insurance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Long Term Care Insurance - Essay Example There are many reasons why retirees have suddenly started to consider the worth of long term care insurance policies. The main reason is however the dramatic increase in the insurance premiums. Buying insurance policies for long term care is basically gambling where risks, cost, and benefits can be calculated. These policies are not like the other insurances where the costs and risks are low but benefits are high; such as fire insurance. The insurance policymakers use tactics to sell their insurance policies by touting scary advertisements about probabilities of seniors spending life in nursing homes. Where the insurance premiums are too high, the benefits are comparatively lower. With insurance premiums of about $2500 annually, 60 year olds and other Americans do not purchase the insurance.The second main reason is due to several misconceptions that Americans have about long term care and insurance policies. The lack of awareness programs have led to many misconceptions which were h ighlighted during several surveys that took place recently on why Americans won’t buy long term care insurance. The biggest misconception that people had was that Medicare is going to cover their long term care. The truth is it does not due to the current system of long term care, the benefits provided by Medicare and Medicaid has reduced. Many Americans also believe that they are too young to buy long term care insurance while others also believe that long term care is already included in their health insurance policy.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Employee Relations and Employee Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Employee Relations and Employee Law - Essay Example The latter was largely unpopular with employers and some employees but provided a lot of billing time to the legal fraternity due to its intricate and indefinite procedures that were wrought with problematic clauses. An Associate at Mogers Associates, Tim Gofton observed that, ‘The complexity of the SDRP and the wide interpretations given by Tribunals to important areas of the SDRP (such as supposedly straightforward issues such as what constitutes a ‘grievance’) pushed employees towards seeking legal advice. This in itself pushed parties further away from resolution’ (Gofton, 2009 p.2). For the second time in five years, dispute resolution between employers and employees will be radically overhauled through an introduction of a process that has less stringent measures to the defaulting persons or entities when compared to the earlier process. While a majority of the players have welcomed the new forum for resolution of grievances, others have questioned the ambiguities encompassed in the new code which might lead to further escalation of grievance claims like in the earlier process (an increase by 40 - 65 percent within the last two years). Tynan (2009), however asserts that ‘the code is certainly less prescriptive than the old statutory dispute resolution procedures (SDRPs) that promoted fixation on procedural compliance rather than working actively to resolve the dispute.’(Tynan, 2009, p. 1). The formation of the Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) in 1975 was preceded by a period of great turmoil in the relationships between employers and their staff. Large-scale industrial unrest in the late 1970s and 1980s was widespread due to lack of an agreeable dispute or grievance resolutions mechanism between the employers and employees. The government as a result formed ACAS through the Employment Protection Act to act as the arbitrator in the many highly volatile national strikes that were paralysing the nation hence sabotaging

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

W.E.B. Du Bois Philosphy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

W.E.B. Du Bois Philosphy - Essay Example In 1909, Du Bois was chosen to be among the co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Du Bois had strong philosophies that advocated for the blacks to be given leadership roles and ways to finish class and racial prejudices. He campaigned for political action and for the civil rights agendas using the Crisis magazine to inform the black Americans. Social change is one of the philosophies of Du Bois that is revealed in the NAACP: Rise of the Crisis, Decline of the Wizard that was published by David Levering Lewis. Du Bois argued that individuals could accomplish social changes by creating various small groups of the college educated blacks that he referred as the Talented Tenth. The leader believed that the Negro Race would be saved by their exceptional men like all the other races. He noted that the issue of education among the Negroes was first dealing with the Talented Tenth. Du Bois noted that dealing with the best in their race would provide guidance to the masses away from death and contamination of the worst (Lewis, 35-38). The philosophies of Du Bois were expressed in the early issues of the Crisis Magazine when the leader stated that his main objective was to state facts and the arguments that display the danger of racial discrimination particularly the way it was manifested towards the colored people. The crisis magazine derived its name from believes of Du Bois who was the editor, that it was a critical time in history for the advancement of men. Du Bois expressed his philosophies when he decided that the editorial page would stand for the privileges of men, regardless of their race or color, for the utmost ideals of the American democracy, and for reasonable and persistent efforts to achieve the rights and apprehend the ideals (Rabaka, 50-55). Booker T. Washington was another great leader among the black community in the late 20th century who had various disagreements with Du Bois

Monday, October 14, 2019

The film Mississippi Masala Essay Example for Free

The film Mississippi Masala Essay The film Mississippi Masala portrays the Asian’s varied and confused identity in a multiethnic together through an interracial love affair between Uganda-born Indian woman Mina (Sarita Choudhury) and an African-American man Demetrius (Denzel Washington) in the American South in 1990. The results of this union are intolerance and hostility from both communities. Nair’s film is controversial and complicates the double complications of black and white but also challenges of huge problems of national and ethnic belonging. Mina’s culture origin is Asian Indian, Ugandan by birth, and is American by migration. This interracial couple is strongly opposed by the minority of (White Americans) communities; namely Mina’s. The film addresses the characters identity politically, in the interethnic encounter. The end finds the couple forced to elope to escape the pressures and pursue a new life outside of Mississippi. Mina embraces her memory of her childhood in Uganda in the 1970’s. She feels comfortable in the black disco in Greenwood. She embraces her identity as African despite her family’s exile from Africa and migration to America. Mina, on the other hand settles in Mississippi with her family via England and works as a maid in her parents motel and belongs to the Asian Indian community in her adopted country. She is very close to her relatives and attends all the groups wedding ceremonies and other social events. Mina represents herself as the good girl, never an outcast among her Indian friends and relatives until her relationship with Demetrius is found out. Mina’s identity here becomes more complicated than her inheritance from her Indian culture. Mina is the Masala in the title; a metaphor, describing her embracing her Ugandan, African, and American roots. Director Mira Nair chose the word Masala to describe diaspora’s concern with identity and group structure. â€Å"I believed strongly that to be a Masala is to be mixed is the new world order. So many of us think one language and are forced to speak another. † Works Cited Mira Nairs Mississippi Masala. Ed. Peter X. Feng. Screening Asian Americans. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2002. Dir. Mira Nair. Burbank, Calif: Columbia TriStar Home Video, 1992. First released by Mirabai Films, 1991.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Application Survey on Data Mining and Data Warehousing

Application Survey on Data Mining and Data Warehousing   Aishwarya.R Survey Report on Bank-Loan Risk Prediction Introduction Data Mining has been the most explored topic for the past decade and has given rise to several new enhancements and techniques in several industries. One such mind provoking arena of high interest is Credit Risk analysis or simply the Bank-loan risk prediction. It has been a pressing need for several banks these days to employ a Credit Risk Analysis simply to make sure that the money they invest to customers as a loan or any form is given to a legitimate customer who is capable of repaying and to avoid any other fraudulent scenarios. Several techniques in data mining have been explored to analyze the customers creditworthiness and a few will be analyzed and emphasized in the further sections. Discussion on Selected Papers In this Section, I have listed the journals, IEEE papers referenced for my study and analysis on Bank-loan risk prediction and categorized various factors for each in Table 1. Table 1. Sources used that focused on Bank-loan risk prediction using different data mining techniques References Objective Data Mining Techniques Employed Authors Number of Citations [1] SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3, Logistic Regression Model and Decision Tree employed in credit scoring models for assessing credit risk. Bee Wah Yap, Seng Huat Ong, Nor Huselina Mohamed Husain. 77 [2] Decision Tree model for credit assessments in a Bank. I Gusti Ngurah Narindra Mandala, Catharina Badra Nawangpalupia, FransiscusRian Praktiktoa. 15 [3] Predictive Modelling technique and NaÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes algorithm for loan risk assessment. Rob Gerritsen 34 [4] Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network, Support Vector Machines, Genetic Programming, Logistic Regression, Group Method of Data Handling, Probabilistic Neural Network techniques for Financial Fraud assessment. P.Ravisankar, V.Ravi, G. Raghava Rao, I.Bose 147 Expert Systems with Applications: Using Data Mining to improve assessment of credit worthiness via credit scoring models Problem Description: Bee Wah Yap et al.[1] found a recreational club has been facing difficulties in identifying the defaulters who do not pay their monthly subscription fee causing a lot of chaos for the club to manage the funds effectively and divide the fund for any further activities or events in the club. The management decided to evaluate the credit worthiness of the club members by using the past members data as a data set and analyzed using three different data mining techniques in order to conclude the fittest of all[1]. Solution technology: Bee Wah Yap et al.[1] employed Credit scorecard model, logistic regression model and decision tree model using SAS ® Enterprise Miner, a diverse tool to employ several data mining techniques in order to improvise and identify the potential defaulters in the club. Solution Evaluation: Bee Wah Yap et al.[1] in the credit scorecard model, identified the various factors determining a defaulter based on their age, the number of dependents, the number of cars, district of address and most importantly the classification of defaulters and non-defaulters based on the payment status. They then obtained the Information Value as the summation of the probability of good attribute(applicable values from the old dataset taken for prediction) minus the probability of bad attribute(values from the old dataset that have no added value to be included in the prediction) and identified that values greater than 0.02 as admissible values of inclusion on the score card. They then identified the Stepwise selection method suitable of all the other Logistic Regression model and found a wide range of information and conclusions on the type of defaulters. Finally, they applied the Decision tree algorithm in order to classify an if-then rule for the large dataset into smaller segments and obtained the profile of defaulters. Based on the results he obtained from the above three techniques they had clearly identified that Decision Tree is by far a better approach for prediction although all three have no big difference and that Credit scoring model without adequate and proper data sets and old data could never perform well in prediction. Further Enhancements: The study has employed several techniques in order to justify a better model for prediction as a substitute for the Credit scoring model but has overlooked the fact that the data sets used throughout are from past customers which may or may not be legitimate way of prediction and definitely not a sensible way to conclude Decision Tree better over Credit scoring as neither of the arguments is valid and may vary when using a large amount of real-time data from the present to predict the future defaulters. Assessing Credit Risk: an Application of Data Mining in a Rural Bank Problem Description: I Gusti Ngurah Narindra Mandala et al.[2] felt that for rural banks to stay healthier, a certain benchmark has to be set on many factors out of which non-performing loan (NPL) factor played an important role. They identified that lower the NPL rate better the health of the rural bank. In order to employ this, they proposed that banks should approve only the right applicants and thereby increase the profit, credibility, and serve the improvements of their local community where such banks are most used. They were affirmative that banks with less than 5% of NPL are in better condition when compared to other with a greater value of NPL. Solution Technology: I Gusti Ngurah Narindra Mandala et al.[2] chose Decision Tree technique to be employed in a rural bank in Bali and scrutinized the various factors that are currently kept in consideration for lending loans to a customer. Solution Evaluation: I Gusti Ngurah Narindra Mandala et al.[2] found that the current NPL value of the rural bank of Bali is 11.99% very much higher than the expected value for a good performing bank. They made use of 84% of data from a sample data set of 1028 records for evaluation and determined approximately 13 parameters of consideration for evaluating the NPL customers. They developed a decision tree based on the existing parameters but reordered the determining factor as the collateral value and obtained an NPL of 3%, which by far is the most efficient a bank could perform. Further Enhancements: Although the above assessment and conclusion of a healthy bank seem appealing they could have employed a further emphasis on other factors that also contribute to a healthy bank / NPL and predicted the credibility further using various other Predictive and Descriptive modeling techniques which have better analysis and solution for the given scenario than what was obtained. Assessing Loan Risks: A Data Mining Case Study Problem Description: Rob Gerritsen [3] identified that if customers who could not pay their loans bank can be predicted before lending using data mining techniques then the information would be worthwhile. He found that USDAs Rural Housing Service has been lending money to people in the rural areas and USDA realized that the huge number of applicants who are being approved of the loan may or may not be capable of repaying the amount. Hence USDA decided to perform a data mining technique in order to gather the information and predict the vulnerabilities of the customers[3]. Solution Technology: Rob Gerritsen [3] decided to use Predictive Modeling Techniques along with the NaÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes algorithm to come up with a solution for the above problem. Solution Evaluation: Rob Gerritsen [3] was given a sample data of 12,000 based on the existing mortgages of single families and had to train the given data set using the model and then predict the future scenarios. So, he first classified the dataset and applied the NaÃÆ' ¯ve Bayes binning algorithm in order to divide the customer based on loan amounts that are to be paid by each. Initially, he found this ineffective as a huge amount of people fell into a single bin as the bin range values where continuous/uniform in distribution and hence difficult to identify precisely the original defaulters. He further organized the binning range distribution and made a decision tree from the results obtained to conclude the major factors of defaulters. Further Enhancements: Rob Gerritsen [3] himself has identified that the data set taken was too less to conclude the results and further, a wide range of dataset has to be taken along with further factors of consideration for USDA to obtain the verified solution for their problem. Decision Support System: Detection of financial statement fraud and feature selection using data mining techniques Problem Description: P. Ravisankar et al.[4] conducted a study on 202 Chinese companies using a variety of data mining techniques simply to conclude if the financial statements, income statements, cash flow, and various other factors if assimilated could give an better output from the companies and also decide if the loan has to be given to customers based on the results. Solution Technology: P. Ravisankar et al.[4] has employed a variety of data mining techniques namely Support Vector Machines (SVM), Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH), Genetic Programming (GP), Logistic Regression (LR), Multilayer Feed Forward Neural Network (MLFF) and Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN). He made use of a number of techniques for the same datasets in order to identify the best solution for the above problem. Solution Evaluation P. Ravisankar et al.[4] identified that among the 202 Chinese companies taken as a data set 101 were Fraudulent and the remaining were Non-Fraudulent. He then applied the Genetic Algorithm to find the fitness function, SVM to obtain the permissible support vectors, GMDH to classify and obtain a Feed Forward network model(Polynomial Model), PNN and with or without Feature selection in order to obtain the features of fraudulent companies. He has clearly observed that among the several techniques used the main factors that have to be considered is the amount of dataset that is to be used should concede with the capability of the technique and with less time consumption for training and obtaining results from the dataset. Further Enhancements I would abide with P. Ravisankar et al.[4] conclusion of classifying with an if-then rule on the dataset and to apply other hybrid data mining techniques inorder to further enhance the solutions. REFERENCES Yap, B. W., Ong, S. H., Husain, N. H. M. (2011). Using data mining to improve assessment of credit worthiness via credit scoring models. Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 13274-13283. GustiNgurah Narindra Mandalaa, Catharina Badra Nawangpalupia*, FransiscusRian Praktiktoa Assessing Credit Risk: an Application of Data Mining in a Rural Bank / Procedia Economics and Finance 4 ( 2012 ) 406 412à ¢Ã‚ Ã‚  . R. Gerritsen, Assessing loan risks: a data mining case study, IEEE IT Professional (1999) 16-21. P. Ravisankar, V. Ravi, G. Rao, I. Bose, Detection of financial statement fraud and feature selection using data mining techniques, Decision Support Systems 50 (2) (2011) 491-500. Question and Answers Why DM and DW technologies are becoming important tools for todays business world? Todays business world is a competitive environment where right decisions needs to be taken at right time by knowing the answers for what has happened and by predicting what will happen in the future. Data warehousing helps us to identify answers for questions like what, which and how through aggregations. Data mining known as KDD helps us to predict what can happen in future. This is done by discovering and analyzing the hidden patterns. Both DM and DW results are processed from large set of data records from either same or different data sources. What are the main differences between data mining, traditional statistics data analysis, and information retrieval? Data Mining is a process of obtaining a derived / discovering new information based on the existing information by observing the data, identifying the patterns and obtaining meaningful analytics that can be used in business. A traditional statistics data analysis is method of testing a proposed phenomenon or hypothesis to validate and provide a statistically significant data for accepting the outcome. Information Retrieval in simple terms is the process of collecting/retrieving required data from an existing information available in any form. How is data warehouse model different from a relational database model? Why DW technology is more advanced in supporting business management? Relational Database Model: Used for Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) Data stored are generally a fact in a single operational database Tables are normalized SQL are used to query Data Warehouse Model: Used for Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Data stored in DW are generally consolidated data(aggregation) from multiple databases or sources Tables are de-normalized OLAP tools are used to query The key difference between DW model and relational database model is that, DW is a layer on top of other databases whereas relations database is a database itself. DW technology is more advanced in supporting business management because it provides quick answer for question like WHAT, WHICH and HOW which helps the management to act accordingly on making decisions. i.e. they are very faster in generating reports for answering the management queries. What are the main difference between using OLAP on DW and using SQL on traditional database for supporting business decision making? The main difference is that complex questions which involves multiple aggregations can be answered in ad-hoc environments (i.e. data from different sources) easily in faster way using OLAP on DW

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Geronimo :: essays papers

Geronimo Geronimo's grandfather, Maco, had been the chief of the Nedni Apaches. He had been of great size and strength. When Maco had been chief his principle wars had been against the Mexicans. They were seldom at great length of peace with the Mexicans. When Maco's son (Geronimo's Dad) became a warrior, Maco died. Geronimo's father could not become the chief of the Nedni's, because he married a woman from the Bedonkohe Apaches. The two had 8 children- four boys and four girls, including Geronimo. The possibility that one of the boys would become chief of he Bedonkohe was very slim. His mother taught him the legends of his people; taught him the sun and sky, the moon and stars, the clouds and storms. She also taught him to kneel and pray to Usen fir strength, health, wisdom, and protection. When the children were young they would play with each other and sometimes with their mother and father. When they were grown up enough to do real services they went to the field with their parents: not to play, but to toil. They did not cultivate tobacco, but they found it in the wild. All of Geronimo's tribe smoked, both men and woman. No boy was allowed to smoke until he could hunt alone and kill large game such as; wolves, bear, deer, etc. Geronimo's father died when Geronimo was at a young age. They wrapped his father in his finest clothes, painted his face, wrapped a rich blanket around him, saddled his favorite horse, bore his arms in front of him, and led his horse behind, repeating in wailing tones his deeds of valor as they carried his body to a cave in the mountain. They then slew his horses and gave way all his property, as was customary in our tribe, after which his body was deposited in the cave, his arms beside him. Geronimo's mother never married again, which was not a custom to the Bedonkohe Apache. In 1846, when Geronimo was 17 years of age, he was admitted to the council of warriors. If a war had started between tribes he could go on the warpath with his tribe. Geronimo had long desired to fight with his warriors. What he was the happiest about was that he could marry Alope, the daughter of No-po-so. The two had been with each other along time before. So when he got the news that he was in the council of

Friday, October 11, 2019

Citizen Cane Questionaire

Citizen Kane Questionnaire View the movie CITIZEN KANE (1941) for discussion in class on week four and to submit week five. Be sure to view the film at least twice before workshop number four. Read the information in this syllabus about this movie. Research it online at http://www. filmsite. org/citi. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Citizen_Kane, http://www. imdb. com/title/tt0033467/, http://www. cinepad. com/reviews/kane. htm, etc. Then complete the following questionnaire A. Literary Elements (Describe in one or two sentences) 1. Structure (storytelling formatThe storytelling format for this film was more of an investigation kind of way, searching for the meaning of the word rosebud. Flashbacks used throughout the film to fill in information that could lead to the meaning of the words. 2. Plot (story) The story is about a man who becomes a tycoon. While gaining riches, wives and possessions he loses his soul. He dies and some journalists want to discover the meaning of his dyi ng words â€Å"rose bud†. 3. Theme (message) The theme message for this film is that money and power do not make a person. Not all the power and money one person may have is going to fulfill the happiness one desires. . Three moral issues in the story Power cannot buy happiness nor can it fulfill it. There were a few social issues, one of them being family and marriage issues such as divorce. Kane’s fame and wealth cannot save him from his secret relationship. B. Mise en Scene: Theatrical Elements (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observed and where in the film) 5. Unusual Sets/Backdrops A. ) The scene where Kane and his wife were at a cafe or restaurant and the back drop was a wilderness or forest and they threw in animated birds flying through the backdrop.B. ) Another element was enormous fireplace at Kane’s residence. 6. Historic Costuming A. ) Their costumes represented the era and their social status. B. ) Kane wore a thick, heavy fur c oat that represented his status; having great deal of money. 7. Notable Makeup A) Kane’s makeup in the early stages young and youthful and at the end, it showed him 85 and old-marriage scene, young and when his second wife was leaving him, it depicted him old with a cane B) Makeup shown when his second wife dressed up to sing opera at their theatre she wore heavy makeup . Composition (vertical lines, ceiling framing) A. ) There is a ceiling frame scene, where Kane and his friend come across the reporter that had fallen asleep; on the review of wife’s performance. The camera focused on his friend using a low angle showing the corner of the ceiling his head. B. ) In the theatre, during one of the performances the camera scrolls up looking at nothing but the structure of the building. As the camera, scrolls up there were walkways or railing that went across the screen. 9. High key lighting (happy)A) When he meets his second wife and goes to her place she is lit up and lig ht depicting happy. B) There is high lighting used while watching the marching girls; cheering and happy music playing in background. 10. Low key Lighting (mystery) A. ) There is a face in the dark when Kane goes to meet someone for information about something. The dark shadow over the face shows that there is a secret. B. ) In the start of the film appears to be several men in a darkened room; appears mystererious, searching for answers. All men stay in the dark when that scene ends. C. Low key lighting used when fireworks launched into the sky. 11. Notable Acting (and movement) A. ) The end of the movie Kane destroys his second wife’s room, breaking glass, flipping tables over, throwing everything on the ground, showing his anger, frustration and pain. B. ) Notable acting when Kane slaps his second wife across the face when she was complaining about the reviews in the paper about her performance. C. Cinematography (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observ ed and where in the film) 12. Notable camera angles (low angle, high angle, etc. A) There is an extremely low angle when the boy receives a gift. B) There is a low angle during one of the opera performances when the camera looks down at the singing coach sort of under the stage. 13. Notable Framing (two shot, three shot, four shot, foreground framing) A) There is a three shot frame when Kane is typing the review. B) The scene where in the background, through the window, a boy can be seen playing outside. C) There is foreground framing in the reflection shot from the window of Kane dancing. 14. Notable Framing (close-up)A) The scene when Kane says, â€Å"Rosebud† with an extreme close-up of his lips. B) At the end of the movie when camera zooms in on Kane’s childhood sled focusing in on â€Å"Rosebud† 15. Notable lenses (deep focus, fish eye) A) The scene with the boy playing in the snow, seen through the window while his mother signs documents has deep focus. B) The scene where Kane’s wife is laying in the chair, the meds on the table; seen up close and the focus remains clear to the bedroom door in the distance. 16. Notable Camera Movement (crane shots, hand-held, etc. A) There is a crane shot; camera breaks through the sign and into the broken skylight into the El Rancho Nightclub B) Crane shot- Emily went to Susan’s home and going up the stairs into her home is one depicted. 17. Forced perspective A) The wedding scene of Emily and Kane are using forced perspective of the White House. B) There is a Scene showing Kane’s home, gate seen in the background on top of the hill. D. Editing—Assembly and Printing of film (give two examples each, noting briefly what you have observed and where in the film) 8. Special Effects (animation, matting) A) There is animation in two of the scenes where they show you a map WB. B) There is also picnic scene where animated birds are flying. 19. Transitions (dissolves, wipes, fades) A) Dissolving scene is when Thatcher, Bernstein, Kane are in a room, three are at a table and Kane is in the back. That letter reading shows 1929 and it dissolves. B) Earlier scene in beginning of film shows monkeys then it proceeds and you see the castle . In all that area all picture is showing dissolving.C) The Xanadu scenes were also dissolving scenes. D) His campaign scene showing his face in the background also dissolves. 20. Montage A) The scene at the â€Å"breakfast† table shows marriage nice and sweet then shows it falling apart. B) Another scene; Thatcher calls Kane Charles at Christmas time and he opened a Christmas present. This portrayed Thatcher young, Kane young, then next scene is reading a letter from Kane, and he is aged. D. Sound (give one example each) 21. Diegetic music A) When Kane receives the trophy.B) After the scene where Kane is typing the review. 22. Non-diagetic music A) After Kane leaves in the trophy scene thee is non- diegetic music. B) Sound transition; there was clapping going from one scene to another. 23. Notable or unusual music A) There is notable military music by the Teddy Roosevelt scene in the beginning of the film. B) The scene where you see the mannish woman there is echo and ironic music then you hear audio the audio transition and are less subtle 24. Layering A) There was voice overlay at the beginning with Thatcher and two employees.Thatcher is upset with Him for working at the newspaper and losing money. B) When Kane was throwing his big party with dancing girls there was laughter and chaos, much vocal overlay. 25. Audio transitions A) There is an audio transition when Kane yelling transitions into the horn honking. B) Audio transition scene when Kane is giving a speech and the scene transitions through different speeches. 26. Dead screen A) There is dead screen after the montage of scenes going through the newspaper headlines the film goes into a dead screen.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

An Experience That Helped Me Grow Up

An experience that helped you understand purpose of Life: When God created this universe, he created each every particle in it with a certain purpose and with a certain design in mind. And that is what our belief in our religion tells us that no one is superior or inferior in front of Allah but it’s our deeds that make us superior or inferior in front of our creator. Our deeds are determined by our performance in the tasks that Allah gives us throughout our lives.My maturity in conceiving the purpose of life didn’t come naturally but it was achieved when I witnessed the life events of one of my closest friend and the way she coped with each and every challenge of life with an open mind and with great composure on her part. My best childhood and school friend Hiba was with me since 6th grade and she was well known among all her friend circle to be very charming not because of her good looks but more because of the way she always had the positive perspective for every eve nt happening around us.She was the one in our friend group whom we all used to look up to whenever we were stuck in little mischieviious and innocent situations of school life without knowing the fact that God is going put her through such big challenges of life where she will be all alone dealing with the high tides of this world. It was pleasant morning of winters and the school day began with usual exchange of pleasantries between classmates. Hiba was smiling and mischievous as usual and our 10th grade class teacher began the day with taking our attendance.Almost two lectures have gone by when a PA to principal came to our class and told Hiba to report the principal as soon as possible. A few minutes later we came to know that Hiba’s parents had died in road accident on the motorway. There whole class room went into complete silence and we had no difficulty imagining how hard this news will be for Hiba, who was the eldest among the sisters. She was a brilliant student and had always wanted to be a doctor. That evening all friends went to the Hiba’s home to pay our condolences and to our amazement Hiba was sitting all composed and calm.The only words we heard from her mouth were the pray that May god give her strength to be a support for her sisters and even at those tough times she was thankful to God for all the blessings He had bestowed open the family. Listening to her saying that prayer I felt as if we all are very immature about our perspective of living and also knew at that moment that God will become her greatest strength and will pull her and her sisters out of this situation and will bless her more than she will ever think of.That day I learned that we should be thankful to our God for every single breath of our life and instead of asking Him for more we should thank Him for what he has already given us. And we should never idealize too much instead we should be prepared to stand against every challenge, life throws at us and we shou ldn’t find strength in our weaknesses and lust for life but our main strength lies in our belief in Allah and what we have today right here right at the moment.Today Hiba is studying medicine on scholarship in one of the top university of Pakistan. And she is also managing her whole house with the money her father left for the family. I amm sure the day is not far away when she will be a famous doctor of Pakistan. We as persons and as a nation needs to understand that God gives challenges only to those who have the strength to bear them and belief in God is the most important ingredient of life which one should never forget.

Online vs Offline Distribution Strategies for Hotels

In order to set the context of the presentation, it is important to examine where the distribution strategy takes place in the global marketing strategy. According to Meidan and Lee (1982), four main stages constitute the global marketing strategy of hotels: identification of the target market and the needs of these customers; formulation of the marketing objectives; definition of the constraints (mainly linked to the environment of the hotel); and finally, allocation of marketing resources.This last stage can itself be divided in four components, following the Marketing Mix model of McCarthy (1960): product, place (also called distribution), promotion and price. Before the internet and online technologies, the distribution channels were limited in the hotel industry. They could be separated into two categories: direct and indirect channels of distribution. Direct channel was the internal Sales team of the hotel. Salespeople were of vital importance when it came to â€Å"making cont acts with companies, organisations and channel intermediaries, such as travel agents† (Meidan and Lee, 1982).Indirect channels of distribution include Tour Operators (travel agents), airlines and in centralized operations in the case of franchised or chains of hotels. In these circumstances, what kind of distribution strategy can be put in place? The importance of intermediaries in creating value has been outlined by Dub? and Renaghan (2000). Surveys amongst travel agents have shown that the expectations of these different actors differ. Second in the top ten hotel practices cited by these intermediaries stands the criteria â€Å"hotel has good sales representation†, while first is that the â€Å"hotel has up-to-date reservations computer†.This last argument might nowadays be seen as a required attribute, but in 2000 this was seen as an advantage to the hotel. Another example of distribution strategy is developing intermediaries’ loyalty, and the attribute s leading to this loyalty differ between travel agents and meeting planners. All these criteria changed with the arrival of internet, as studied in the next section. The importance of the internet in marketing and distribution is undisputed by scholars and has been for years.This is no different for Hoteliers who can access this resource through a number of different ways. Their own website allows hotels to have more reactive pricing strategies, keep information about themselves up to date, and provides the easiest method to have contact with customers. Online directory websites, tour operator websites, and travel agency websites all act as intermediaries between the hotel and customer in much the same way as the offline travel agent used to do but to a global audience.Whilst taking a commission these can still be profit maximising channels for hotels because they sell to a broader customer base than the hotel would otherwise have access to. Review websites, whilst not run by hotels either, are also a crucial contact network with consumers. They are trusted by consumers and tap into Word of Mouth which has long been recognized as effective. Search engines have similarly been identified as commonly used by potential tourists and provide huge amounts of traffic to hotel websites.It is therefore important to consider purchasing advertising space through these for the Hotelier’s distribution channel. Whilst search engines and review sites are not technically distribution channels (as you cannot book on them) they are still important to be aware on when looking from a hotel’s perspective at the online system. Having said all this it is important to remember how fast moving the technology is in this section and therefore the best hotels will have an eye on the future and how that will effect distribution channels.This is what the following section will look at. Innovative distribution strategies such as IVR Hotel Reservation System and Promoted Hotels on Google Hotel Finder are the future, where it will be easier for Hoteliers to promote themselves than ever before. It opens a bidding war between various OTA’s to provide the lowest price. Various innovations in social media can eventually lead to the death of Online Travel Agencies. But on the other hand, search engines will have nothing to worry about as there is hardly anything better than search.There has been a rapid increase in mobile bookings in recent years. More and more people have started using their mobile devices to make various reservations. Hence, Hoteliers should also focus more on developing their mobile websites, enhancing the user experience and making their website and content more discoverable by using search engine optimization techniques. They should also ensure that all the content on the site is multi-lingual because information is accessed by a global market.In today’s world, travellers are exposed to so much information coming via different platforms that they no longer keep track of the source of information or even the format. They do not know the difference between media channels and content formats. In other words, the coming together of media channels and consumers has led to a new channel – customer engagement. Hence, hotel distributors should pay more attention to direct online channel and its various sectors such as websites, social media platforms, mobile web development and so on.They need to invest more in multi-channel distribution and marketing strategies. We conclude with a summary of the merits of offline and online distribution channels today. For offline this includes the ability for up-sale to customers, access to a demand of customers wanting an easier time booking holidays that their own distribution channels might exclude, and the fact that the face-to-face contact can provide friendlier interaction with customers the hotel is otherwise not able to provide.Offline will remain important in t he present day by selling more tailor-made products and specific ‘experiences’. For Hoteliers it is important to tap this market as well. At the same time online is obviously an important distribution method as well. It allows hotels greater flexibility and control, a globalisation of the product, increased interaction with customers, an ease of pricing and allows an incorporation of social- and multi-media.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

CVS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CVS - Essay Example As competitors, the two companies monitor the moves of each other thereby ensuring that they change their marketing strategies accordingly. CVS Pharmacy’s products are cheaper than the drugs at Walgreen. The difference in the prices arises from the uniqueness of the markets the two pharmacies target. Drugs at CSV are averagely $1 cheaper than at Walgreen. Walgreen targets the wealthy while CVS targets the middle class a feature that justifies the differences in pricing. The two pharmacies advertise their products and services in different media depending on the cost implications of such besides their effectiveness in reaching the target audience. Such media include billboards, radio, television and newspaper among many others. Additionally, the pharmacies enjoy strategic locations in the cities, a feature that portrays the entrepreneurs’ consideration of place as a fundamental element of the marketing mix. Social media is yet another marketing platform that the two pharmacies use differently in growing their market shares. â€Å"Such different platforms as Facebook and Twitter offer marketers with unique platforms for interactions as both parties share information by posting on the walls of each other.† (Palmer 53). The two pharmacies use the sites differently owing to their unique structures and organizational cultures. CVs pharmacy has numerous Facebook pages and groups in which the company’s marketers interact with their target audiences through posts and comments thereby sharing ideas on the performance of the pharmacy in the market. Besides Facebook, the company has several Twitter accounts, which serves a similar purpose. Walgreen has similar platforms in which it communicates with its target audience while carrying out equally effective marketing researches. CVS Pharmacy for example introduced online shopping owing to the advent of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies Essay

Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies - Essay Example Biomass combustion and geothermal plants release greenhouse gases in qualities that are comparable to coals was well as sulfur and nitrogen dioxides which pollute the air and cause acid rain. Finally, there is nuclear power, which poses catastrophic threats in case of accidents and the release of radioactive water and gases into the atmosphere in addition to the production of GHG from emergency diesel engines. Figure 1 Fig 1.1 World primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions. (Hung 2010) Introduction In most of the world’s countries, the primary sources of energy are carbon based fossil fuels, this are however finite considering the fact that it takes millions of years for them to form although they are depleted in substantially less time. They are gradually becoming harder to extract as well as more expensive and this has in retrospect resulted into political conflict as nation’s battle each other in competition for these resources (Asif and Muneer, 2007). In additio n, the environmental impacts of fossil fuels have proved dire owing to the inevitable production of GHGs, which follows their combustion. The corollary has been a myriad of negative environmental effects such as a marked increase in the greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere that is threating to drastically change the global climate. In addition, the CLC that are also byproducts of burning carbon fuels have depleted the ozone layer and this exposes the world to dangerous infrared shortwave radiation, which poses a plethora of health danger for life on earth (Drabyk, 2001). More direct and short term impacts of fossil fuel include massive pollution of air and water the former resulting in acid rain, health problems such as Asthma and the latter mainly merging in oil seepages and leakages in water bodies. The innumerable problems attributed to fossil fuels and their apparent finiteness has necessitated a shift to renewable energy that many tout as the only feasible source of energy. Whil e conceding that renewable energy sources such as wind, solar and hydroelectric power portend clean and efficient energy, they are not a silver bullet and just like the non-renewable sources, they come with their share of environmental impacts (Letcher, 2008). This is in view of the fact that the new energy sources require significant investment in terms of resources and infrastructure to harvest them and this ultimately results in certain ramification for the environment that are however not very widely researched owing to the popular opinion that they are the embodiment of eco- friendly power Figure 2 Fig 2: Shares of energy sources used in electricity production, 2007. (Lenzen 2010) Solar power The sun is a source of a considerable amount of clean renewable energy that is arrested through solar panels and used to power machinery and generally provide energy both for industrial and domestic use. Notwithstanding, solar power plants have the potential to significantly impact the env ironment through; land use habitat loss and environmentally hazardous materials that are used in the manufacturing of the hardware. Large scale solar power plants have raised concerns about the land degradation and power loss, typically the amount of land that wil be require often depends on the topography or an area and the