Thursday, December 19, 2019

We Have Sexual Contact With The Natives Essay - 833 Words

â€Å"Did you have sexual contact with the natives?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Did you share needles or have any open cuts I should be aware of?† â€Å"No . . . † I said. The masked doctor examined the hundreds of boils on my face and body. A week prior, I got into a bus accident in Tanzania. I was delivering a bag full of medical supplies to a rural hospital. A tropical storm hit the night before, making the gravel road slippery. My vehicle lost control and slammed into a palm tree. I hit the front seat hard, and a dental pick pierced through my backpack, slicing my arm. I bled profusely. The next day, I flew back to Washington, D.C. only to discover boils on my body. â€Å"We’re gonna run some blood tests and update you in 2-days,† said the doctor as he left my quarantine room. I threw up in a bucket right after. The following hours were the loneliest, most miserable in my life. Born in the UK to a military dad, I lived in a total of 12 cities across 3 continents. I left friends, family, and belongings every two years. With everything in my life in flux, the only constant was my education. Information I learned from school textbooks was applicable wherever I lived. Because of this, I saw the benefit of participating in an academic field like medicine. But here I was, in a quarantine room after volunteering for three months with doctors and nurses. I felt paranoid. What if the dental pick had HIV on it? Am I gonna die? My worries soon transformed intoShow MoreRelatedWe Have Sexual Contact With The Natives? Essay832 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Did you have sexual contact with the natives?† â€Å"No.† â€Å"Did you share needles or have any open cuts I should be aware of?† â€Å"No . . . † I said. The masked doctor examined the hundreds of boils on my face and body. A week prior, I got into a bus accident in Tanzania. I was delivering a bag full of medical supplies to a rural hospital. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Analysis of National Strategies and Plans †

Question: Discuss about the Analysis of National Strategies and Plans. Answer: Introduction: Australian economy is comprised significantly of the tourism industry. The reasons why tourists travel to different parts of the world are many. It may be due to business, educational purposes or even to spend leisure time. Tourism contributes significantly to the Australian economy. The rich diversity of the geography, landscapes and variety of places of visit contributes to the options for tourists as places to visit. The places are educative as well as reason for enjoyment. The unique and beautiful Australian destinations comprise coral reefs, rainforests, beach sides and even coral reefs. The lifestyle of the Australian residents is primarily peaceful and mostly outdoor. Another aspect that works in favour of Australia is that its population size is small relatively in comparison to its area. The tourism experience for the international tourists is peaceful, hassle-free and beautiful in Australia. The tourism department of the country have taken it upon themselves to increase the overall tourist count of the country. The tourism industry in Australia is a thriving one. According to statistical reports on Australian tourism, the total tourism expenditures contributed to almost three percent of the total Australian GDP. The international visitors contributed to almost one third of this. There has been a steady increase in the demand for the tourism in Australia. The report aims to understand the existing tourism scenario and make Australia the most favourite tourist destination in the world. Nature of Business: Adoption of a particular policy for the improvement in the tourism activities is important for the tourism industry and its successful development. This particular report focuses on a particular business venture related to the tourism industry. It is that of a travel agency and also includes travel agents. The people interested in travelling the world are given popular travel information, suggestions and tourism related services as well. The nature of the travel agency might be a public service or even a private retailer. The valuable and relevant information are provided on behalf of the suppliers including the airlines, hotels, cruise lines, car rentals, railways and many more. The facilities of travel insurance as well as package tours are also included. The responsibilities of the travel agent include selling the lodging, transportation and entertainment activities (Day et al., 2012). Providing guidance to the people is also important regarding the short trips as a part of the bi gger trip. All the necessary arrangements regarding the food, lodging, transport are made by the travel agents. In order to do this accurately, it is the duty of the travel agency to train the agents well and obtain accurate sand sufficient amount of information on the available hotels for each of the cities in Australia, the best adjoining restaurants, tourist spots and the available car rentals (Medlik, 2012). It can safely be said that the best idea for a probable business venture linked to` the tourism industry is the concept of the development of a travel agency. The accuracy with which the travel agents are able to provide information and the amount of perfection they are able to maintain in their deals will determine the number of tourists that will come to Australia (Morrison, 2013). The nature of the business in case of the travel agency is through the concept of online booking. The online booking facility is the most ideal option as it is possible for all customers to get online bookings available at any time of their choice. The impact of the connectivity of the internet on entire segments of the population is huge and this is the primary reason for making the online booking the most suitable choice. The availability of responses depends on the simplicity of the online website created for the travel agency. Preferably the portal should be simple and easy to operate and understand (Ruhanen, Mclennan, Moyle, 2013). Potential clients should have their own portals where the details of the trips, bookings, hotels, adjoining restaurants and all other options are available easily. The information should be relevant and best suited to the needs of the potential clients. This option of online booking if availed can prove to be the best option for the travel agency bus iness venture (Moyle et al., 2014). The promotion regarding the tourism trip opportunities need to be properly advertised as it contributes to the tourist count of a country. Circulating the pamphlets among the locals is a good option but has some disadvantages. The pamphlets being pieces of paper can be lost at any particular time point and the information is then lost. The mail method of advertisement is a better option but even mails might not be checked at regular intervals (Parsons Schumacher, 2012). Best sort of promotion is online via the personal portals of the customers. Pictures of all the famous destinations can be shared in the sites, giving details of all the visitable spots in any particular area. The benefits pr package plans available at all the local restaurants and hotels also need to be mentioned. Selected Cohort of Tourists: The probable tourist cohort that can be selected among the baby boomers, young people or married couples can be that of the baby boomers. The baby boomers comprising the relatively elderly people look for tourism trips or travel plans as a means of spending their leisure time or desire to enjoy their retirement time. The perfect opportunities for leisure time are available for the people belonging to the baby boomers category. Special plans for activities particularly enjoyed by this age group of people need to be incorporated in the itineraries of the hotels and the tourism trip planners. The focus should be on type of activities that do not involve too much of activity yet a lot of recreational opportunities. The amalgamation of the travel plans, food options and locations should be so unique as to maximise the chances of trip bookings by the baby boomers. It should be ensured that the plans should be so well thought that the prospective clients think of no other destination but Au stralia. Arrangement of funds by the tourists is the key factor in ensuring the confirmation of their travel trips. It can be safely said in case of the baby boomers that the arrangement of funds is not at all an issue. After retirement usually a lump sum amount is available to the senior citizens and utilizing some part of the money for a vacation is not much of a deal. In fact in many countries people save and keep aside a part of their earnings each year to embark on some foreign trip or tours. It can be inferred that adequate funding is available to the baby boomers for their trip plans. Business venture criteria: The business venture in connection to the travel agency should focus on highlighting those areas of the country that are the most likely to attract the baby boomers. The best areas of scenic beauty and opportunities for best enjoyment of the leisure tie should be highlighted in the trip plans for the elders. The online portals should be modified accordingly in order to increase the tourist count as well as the amount of viewership in the websites and the portals created. The trips and the proposed plans should be made as exciting and lucrative as possible to satisfy more and more buyers. Several ventures many be considered that meet the existing business venture criteria. Low cost domestic trips can be arranged for the young and middle aged people so that they can refer the trips to their parents or probably their grandparents as a separate leisure trip or a full-fledged family vacation. Trips for local university students can also be arranged so that the word-of-mouth publicity can increase the level of tourism in the country. The cost and the promotional activities need to be constantly updated. Only then will the ventures succeed. The tourism industry hugely contributes to the Australian Economy. The impediments to the business always need to be taken care of in case of the travel and tourism trips arranged (Pham et al., 2013). The streamlined airline services, the uninterrupted running of the online portal and the suggested hotel and restaurants need to be taken care of. The overall tourism industry needs to be constantly upgraded and improved (Peters Higgins-Desbiolles, 2012). Evaluation of the barriers to the tourism related infrastructure: The procedure of approval and assessment is necessary to create an environment which is suitable for the investments related to tourism infrastructure (Ruhanen Shakeela, 2013). The impediments to the overall growth of the economy need to be carefully considered. Climate changes should be borne in mind while planning trips (Morrison Pickering, 2013). The future prospects for the tourism industry include Tourism 2020 including land use and aviation planning. The future policies also need to be understood in connection to the present situation. Conclusion: Careful study of the business sectors has revealed that the tourism industry in Australia is a promising one. Further advancement is possible through proper and careful implementation of strategies and understanding in order to increase the tourist count. Providing a great tourist experience is also crucial to ensure the word-of-mouth publicity such that the people come back time after time. The care and provision for proper facilities needs to be the primary concern for the travel agency. The needs should be met keeping in mind the target cohort of tourists who have been selected. Activities pertaining to their wishes should be arranged in order to cater to their needs. In case the needs are properly met, the tourists might come time after time. It can thus be concluded that the tourism industry is an ever evolving one and proper planning and implementation of business ventures related to it can result in the high tourist count of the country. References: Day, M., Walo, M., Weeks, P., Dredge, D., Benckendorff, P., Gross, M. J., Whitelaw, P. A. (2012). Analysis of Australian tourism, hospitality and events undergraduate education programs.Sydney: Office of Teaching and Learning. The value of WIL in tourism,257. Medlik, S. (2012).Dictionary of travel, tourism and hospitality. Routledge. Morrison, A. M. (2013).Marketing and managing tourism destinations. Routledge. Morrison, C., Pickering, C. M. (2013). Perceptions of climate change impacts, adaptation and limits to adaption in the Australian Alps: the ski-tourism industry and key stakeholders.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,21(2), 173-191. Moyle, B. D., McLennan, C. L. J., Ruhanen, L., Weiler, B. (2014). Tracking the concept of sustainability in Australian tourism policy and planning documents.Journal of Sustainable Tourism,22(7), 1037-1051.Neirotti, L. D. (2012). and Adventure Tourism.Sport and adventure tourism, 1. Parsons, A. G., Schumacher, C. (2012). Advertising regulation and market drivers.European Journal of Marketing,46(11/12), 1539-1558. Peters, A., Higgins-Desbiolles, F. (2012). De-marginalising tourism research: Indigenous Australians as tourists.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management,19(1), 76-84. Pham, T. D., Bailey, G., Marshall, J., Spurr, R., Dwyer, L. (2013).The economic impact of the current mining boom on the Australian tourism industry. Canberra: Tourism Research Australia. Ruhanen, L. M., Mclennan, C. L. J., Moyle, B. D. (2013). Strategic issues in the Australian tourism industry: A 10-year analysis of national strategies and plans.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(3), 220-240. Ruhanen, L., Shakeela, A. (2013). Responding to climate change: Australian tourism industry perspectives on current challenges and future directions.Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research,18(1-2), 35-51. South Australian Tourism Commission. (2014).South Australian Tourism Plan 2020. South Australian Tourism Commission.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Lady Macbeth free essay sample

If the main theme of Macbeth is ambition, whose ambition is the driving force of the play—Macbeth’s, Lady Macbeth’s, or both? Answer for Study Question #1 2. One of the important themes in Macbeth is the idea of political legitimacy, of the moral authority that some kings possess and others lack. With particular attention to Malcolm’s questioning of Macduff in Act IV, scene iii, try to define some of the characteristics that grant or invalidate the moral legitimacy of absolute power. What makes Duncan a good king? What makes Macbeth a tyrant? Answer for Study Question #2 3. An important theme in Macbeth is the relationship between gender and power, particularly Shakespeare’s exploration of the values that make up the idea of masculinity. What are these values, and how do various characters embody them? How does Shakespeare subvert his characters’ perception of gender roles? The fantastical and grotesque witches are among the most memorable figures in the play. We will write a custom essay sample on Lady Macbeth or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page How does Shakespeare characterize the witches? What is their thematic significance? 2. Compare and contrast Macbeth, Macduff, and Banquo. How are they alike? How are they different? Is it possible to argue that Macbeth is the play’s villain and Macduff or Banquo its hero, or is the matter more complicated than that? Discuss the role that blood plays in Macbeth, particularly immediately following Duncan’s murder and late in the play. What does it symbolize for Macbeth and his wife? 4. Discuss Macbeth’s visions and hallucinations. What role do they play in the development of his character? 5. Is Macbeth a moral play? Is justice served at the end of the play? Defend your answer. 6. Discuss Shakespeare’s use of the technique of elision, in which certain key events take place offstage. Why do you think he uses this technique?

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Example

Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Example Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Cross Cultural Perspectives Essay Cross Cultural Perspectives Assignment in Cross Cultural Perspectives Abstract As a result of possessing two very different cultural backgrounds (German, Uruguayan) we have chosen to select the most crucial points of cultural clashes between European and South American cultures and analyze both, the practical and theoretical issues which are involved. Due to the strict word limit, just three concepts are discussed in detail. The concept of Power Distance The concept of cultural complexity And as a cultural characteristic the issue of time Case Study The Kolbenschmidt AG, a German supplier for the automotive industry owns a subsidiary in Uruguay named Santa Rosa Auto Motores. Mr. Hedden, the General Manager from Kolbenschmidt is not satisfied with the recent sales figures from Santa Rosa in Uruguay. He decides to send Dr. Loser, a very experienced and trusted sales manager with excellent Spanish skills to Uruguay, in order to replace the current sales manager. Seeing it as a challenge, Dr. Loser accepts the job despite the fact of having no previous experience in the South American market. Mr. Hernandez, Santa Rosa?s local general manager agrees to Mr. Hedden?s plan after a fierce discussion regarding the introduction of a foreign manager in the completely Uruguayan staffed company. At his first day in office he dr, loser, mr, power, distance, cesar, hernandez, different, subordinates, cultures, business, about, very, uruguay, high, countries, low, first, cultural, communication, sales, manager, culture, bird, approach, trust, therefore, relationship, mocking, germany, due, work, superior, society, people, others, office, meeting, management, low-context, gets, german, behavior, uruguayan, typical, sister, pm, over, order, murillo

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Human Resource Management - Essay Example First of all, an international human resource management system ensures that positions are filled by appropriately qualified persons if there are no local nationals available. Secondly, it enables management development across borders. Thirdly, human resource management in multinational companies allow the building of linkages between the parent company and the international subsidiaries. This paper examines the critical factors that shape managers' choice in transferring the parent company's human rights management (HRM) to overseas subsidiaries. It identifies the influential forces that shape such choices and illustrates them with practical examples. To this end, the paper tries to fulfil the following objectives: 1. Identification of business strategy and structure that affects the choice of HRM systems for foreign branches of a business. 2. Analysis of external factors that affect a business' choice of human resource management transfer systems for an international business in it s overseas operations 3. Examination of implementation issues that affect the type of choices that HR managers of parent companies can make about the transfer of human resource management systems to overseas branches. Business Strategy & Structure & International Human Resource Management Choices Every MNC has to draw a balance between globalisation and localisation. Meier (2009) calls it a balance between standardisation and customisation. In other words, a business will have to either prescribe a set of uniform standards for all the international branches or allow international branches to develop their own local standards. In real life, a UK business that has international subsidiaries will have to decide whether the subsidiaries around the world will operate according to standards in the UK or create their own systems and methods. In the case of PriceWaterHouse Coopers, there is an international application of standards that exist in the UK head office. This is a globalised enti ty. On the other hand, KPMG exists as a group of independent accounting firm. Each national branch operates independent of the Swiss headquarters. According to Meier, the way this discourse exists in relation to human resource management transfer can best be examined on three fundamental levels. The strategy of a business in relation to whether it wants to go according to globalisation or localisation determines the policies of the business (Tempel, 2001 p115). In other words, the strategy determined by the top-level management set the tone for functional managers of strategic business units to come up with a policy. The policies determine the practice in the department. Thus, for the Human Resource department, the main determinant of the transfer of practices is the overall strategy of the business. The strategy determines the HRM activities of the business. This goes a long way to influence the transfer and other practices related to the overall tone of human resource management a nd its transfer. Strategy refers to the overall plans for a business determined by top level management with a view of guiding a company between the medium and long term (Cook, 2008 p76). Strategy is a critical element that affects the Human Resource Manager's choice of transferring company Human Resource Management to overseas management because it sets the framework between which the HR Manager operates. As such, the manager needs to remain within the scope of the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Noise Control Radon UV-Radiation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Noise Control Radon UV-Radiation - Essay Example These would include hearing impairment, interference with spoken communication, cardiovascular disturbances, disturbances in mental health, impaired task performance, and negative social behavior and annoyance reactions. As a citizen, I have all the right to protect me and my family’s health, however, if the plan has already been approved by the City government, then our interests would have to meet both ends. The nightclub shall be established if they will comply with the resident’s demands. First, they should consider the presence of private residents near the area. If a nightclub usually produces more than 90 dB, they should lessen it to about 70-80 dB. Second, the physical structure of the club should be enclosed so as to prevent the noise to be heard by the neighborhood. These suggestions, if implemented, would be very helpful for the entire neighborhood because this would protect the citizens from experiencing the effects of noise pollution. Radon Present in all w ater and soil resources in the planet, radon gases are present almost everywhere. A type of radon gas called Radon-222 is a radioactive substance, and also its decayed form, Radon 226 (Banas, 2010).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Evaluation report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Evaluation report - Assignment Example It has also helped me overcome my initial hesitation in confronting and communicating before an audience. Besides, the detailed lectures augmented by relevant notes from my tutor have helped me to organize my ideas and present them in a comprehensive and coherent manner through the assignments given in the class. Another significant aspect of the class has been the manner in which it has imbibed in me a sense of responsibility and the need to submit assignments in time by honoring the deadline. Thus, I have been able to hand in the print out of my assignment in time without any hassles. In view of the major benefits the class has offered me, I have not been able to discern any significant shortcomings in the class. The only minor issue that I can point out is the delay in updating the grades and communicating it so that I can know my position. I personally feel that if instructor could return the marked assignments with feedback a bit earlier, it will help the students to avoid similar mistakes in the next assignments. Such feedback, if received earlier, will help them to significantly increase their scores in future tasks. Similarly, it will make the learning process easier and less cumbersome, if the assignments during summer are reduced as this is not a convenient season to spend long hours on

Friday, November 15, 2019

International Business Environment

International Business Environment 1. International business environment Book0)Business mean to busy in an activity, which are related to money almost business have 50% chances of profit and losses.(Morrison, j. 2002)Business is operated in every part of the world. As the business grow. It is looking for new opportunities across the border. International business is the term use for the operation and objective of the organisation that have interest in other countries. For example Tesco, Ford, General Motor, McDonald, Disney, so many other companies. These companies have key interest to standardise their product for general acceptance. The international business becomes more complex. Tie between the different societies and organisations. (Meldrum, D.H) as businesses inter into new market it chances of 50% losses increases. Due to different in economic, political, cultural structure, policies, geography and currencies. These factor decreases profit ratio of international investment. There are no specific criteria to measure such in-stability. Every investor used their own method and measure. Uncertain condition of country make easy for international business to design their own stability criteria. (Considering risk in international business) Business has no idea about the local risk. Its difficult to operate and manage in such condition where the Culture, Social, Economic, Political, and legal structure are not stable. In such cause the international business need to take all the measurement either it`s Commercial, Culture, Social. Political or legal instability before enter into new market or country. 2. International business (McCulloch, C.1999)International business is started as with the formation of first national borders. Greek started such activity before the Christ follow by the British in 1600 when they establish the East India Company throughout the Asian as trading firm. With passage of time international business is started all over the world especially in United State. (Czinkota et al., 1999) The international business brings countries together. It makes the world as global village. It exchanges the ideas, information, service, and capital across the countrys borders. This results in best used of human capital increases employee opportunity. Equal growth of wealth, price stability, availabilities of goods and services to each and every one. It bring new environment of friendship, development, stability, prosperity, innovation and technology in the world. Due to the international business same kind of product are used throughout the world. For example ford, Toyota, Honda, and McDonald, KFC, burg er king, and so many other things which are use worldwide. International business brings globalisation in the production. For example dell computer it different part are produced in different countries, assemble these parts in another and sell it in yet other countries. 3. Definition of international business (Book4) â€Å"The commercial activities crossed national borders. It involved the international movement of good, capital, services, employees and technology; importing and exporting; cross-border transactions in intellectual property (patents, trademarks, know-how, copyright materials, etc) via licensing franchising and management contracts.† Book3 ) â€Å"the transaction done by individual or organisation cross the countries. To satisfied the objective by mean of export, import and foreign direct investment. And it carried out in wholly owned, joint venture, licensing, franchising and management contracts† 4. Problems of international business Book4) International business experiences some difficulties when they operate in other countries. International businesses have to deal under the local rules and regulation. Have to use foreign languages. Difficult to get information about foreign countries. Deal in foreign currency. The exchange rate may be varied. When deal in other countries their culture and social value must be taken in account. The risk factor is high in foreign countries include political, commercial, and financial. Communication and control of international business is difficult. Difficult to absorb the demand of the international market. Most of time is waste in research and survey of the local market trends. 5. Meaning of stability J1) Stability is very important for the human life. Without it there will be no â€Å"culture† no â€Å"organisation† and no â€Å"society†. (dictionary) According to oxford`s dictionary. â€Å"Resistance to change, deterioration or displacement†. Stability is a ship in the sea which maintain its upright position either the condition is. Stability maintain for long period of time and it resist to all the changes that happen in the surrounding. According to Aldous Huxley`s â€Å"the stability is way of life. And life Moto is community, identity and stability.† if we come to the countries stability it has great impact on all walks of life. J4) without the stability the country well be in depression. And their well be no social security, health care, education, defence, infrastructure, law and protective services, low GDP, GNI, AND PPP (Purchasing, Power, and Parity ), price fluctuation, un-stable exchange rate, high rate of taxes, no leadership, no culture values, no innovation, no technology, financial position of the countries will be week, and have no capital market. Such condition is not considerable for the international business. Business development and prosperity are depending on the local and national conditions.bbok1) for example both South and North Korea. South Korea living standard is 10 times bette r then North Korea. GDP of 46.4m compare to 22 m GDP of North Korea. This big different is only because of stability of the both countries. North Korea tries to attract the foreign investment but â€Å"poor infrastructure, un-reliable power supply, poor transportation and unstable military condition† are the big barriers for the foreign investor. On the other hand South Korea has stable political, economic, legal environment, and stable infrastructure. Which cause of attraction for the international business and South Korea main stream business are Daewoo, Hyundai, and LG. These are the internationals brands. 6. Instability of the countries J9)Different business made their own criteria to measure country in-stability but mostly the factor involved in country in-stability is closely related to each other. Political instability Economical instability Cultural instability Legal instability Financial instability Location and neighbourhood 6.1 Political instability Book3)Political stability play an important role in the stability of the country. Due to political stability international business are attracted to invest in the country, despite their location, weather, and natural resources availability. Boo4) politics is define as â€Å"the direction and administration of state† â€Å"government† and â€Å"the control of aggregate social relationship† Bbok5)However, political instability is a great risk for the international business. Usually these are three risks. Ownership risk, in some causes the ownership of the international business is shifted to the host country without any compensation to international business through confiscation or expropriation. Operation risk, international business faces such situation. Due to the security, change of law and government, terrorism, arm conflict, civil war, tax regulation, and so on. Transfer risk, transfer of money from one country to another, in which the government rules are involved, high exchange rate, and tax on transfer of money. J5)Political instability rise due to continuous change in government, and law, nationalism corruption in the government officer. Example is Pakistan where the government change regularly. this create security risk, inflation and high corruption. Terrorism, internal is external war (arm conflict), kidnapping, example Afghanistan, Pakistan Iraq, and Serra. Jouranl2 according to Gupta (1990) he use ten elements to explain the political in-stabilities. â€Å"Number of political demonstrations† â€Å"Number of riots† â€Å" Number of death (assassinations)† â€Å"Armed attack events† â€Å"Political executions† â€Å"Number of death from political violence† â€Å"Occurrence of successful coups dà ©tat† â€Å"Occurrence of un-successful coups dà ©tat† â€Å"Number of strikes† and â€Å"Nature of government† democracy or dictatorship. Bo5)Political fluctuation has bad impact on international business. In such condition international business before inter into new political environment need to get all information. Need to make such analysis. Government of the country in the political party hand (democracy). Or it power in the hands of one person (dictatorship). The countries have free market or the government control it. Is government encouraging the international business to invest in local market to achieve the economic goals? Who are the customers and competitors of the international business private or public sector? Is Policy making of the country is according to law? Is the change of government the economic policies well change or remains same? B4)Political in-stability affect all kind of business even it home or foreign. To make decision about the future investment in foreign country information about the country political condition are collected from the following sources. Personal visit to country get information from local business. Bank, stock market and international credit control agencies. And from local news. Get information from the country embassy. And from locals who have expert knowledge about the country situation. International chamber of commerce is one of the best sources of information. From the minister of the home country. Get export opinion from the local people who are specialist in a particular field. 6.2 Economic instability Book1)Countries are considered stable if they have high national income. Price stability, high capacity of production of products and services, high employment rates with technological innovation and high investment. And the indicator of the economic growth high rate of GDP affects the high standard of living, heath and capital investment. These factors are very important for international business to invest in such economy. Government and economics are interrelated with each other. If government is stable economy is stable by itself.jour6) Political instability affects the GDP growth of country. It is called â€Å"politicalization of economic growth†. Economic growth is not affected by the nature of the government (democracy or dictatorship). But it is affected by it policy either it`s fiscal or monitory. Develop economy have the following features. High education rate, public health care services, and social benefit are available to each and every one in the country. Economy has high defence system. General public and country assets are secure, no arm conflict and terrorism. For example Pakistan has security problem and internal terrorism due which economy is going down. Developed infrastructure mean of communication, transportation, power supply and the availability of banking and financial structure.( journal 7) For example power supply situation is very bad in Pakistan it have regular break down and not even fulfil the local requirement. Plus the transportation in Pakistan is not proper regulated. Country has appropriate industrial and agriculture development. Developed monitory policy, for example country has price stability, equal distribution of money and money exchange rate is remaining stable. For example Pakistan money exchange rate changes regularly. This increases fluctuation in economy. Economy has high government spending and low tax rates. Jouranl8) economy is effected only when exchange rate not remain stable in international market and government have high tax rates and low spending which increases fluctuation in economy. And inflation is increases in the country. And economic situation is considering in-stable. Book 6) to increase trade between countries economic bloc are establish. For example Europe, North America, South America and Asia pacific areas. Countries in economic bloc have high rate of GNP then the non member countries. Book 7)international business have prier information about the economic situation and make such analysis before investing in the country. Population of the country, power of consumption, income level, balance distribution of money, industrialisation and agricultural activities. GNP rate, rate of growth, GNI rate, price stability, rate of inflation, money exchange rate, government taxes and spending. Infrastructure transportation, communication, mean of power supply, banking and availability of financial intuition. Size of economy and economic system centrally planned economy, mixed economy or market economy. Number and size of competing unit. Balance distribution of business or firm have market monopoly. Life style, shopping pattern, urbanisation, heath and social services, housing environment, law and defence and education level. Sources for international business to get information about local economy is World Bank, IMF, Government publish data, and international economic services. 6.3 Cultural instability Book6) culture can be defined in different ways (Meeds) â€Å"Share patterns of behaviours† (Hofstede) â€Å"Collective mental programming â€Å" Culture is different from nation to nation, because of language, religion, ethic, and behaviours. These have direct effect on life style, education, economic, organisation and political structure, law and regulation. Culture separates the world into different nation and state. Most of conflicts within country barber are arise due to culture difference. This divides country into two parts. For example Pakistan and India separate from each other only due to culture difference. Language is different from country to country. In most countries people used more than one language. Which rise issue of culture different in the same nation. For example Pakistan has more than one language. Which rise race issue in same country. And create economic, political, law and order, unequal distribution of wealth crises in the country. Affect the stability of the country. Book2) From the last one decade religious race is rise in the world. Divide the world into two religions Islam and Christianity. And create terrorist and religious extremist. For example Telenor Denmark mobile company operated in Pakistan last lots business and offices across the country during period of 2005 and 2006 due to religious riots and strikes to protest blasphemous cartoon against Islam was publish in one of Denmark news paper. Country with culture extremist is considered unstable. And most of investor shows lack of confidence in investing such countries. Following analysis international business need to done before invested in such countries. How strong Culture County have. Number of Culture conflict in the country. And their effect one local and international business. Business has information of Religious extremism activity in country. And number of religious strikes and riots. Information about local social, labour and market culture. Number of language in country and racism activity in country. and law and order situation of country. 6.4 Legal instability Book india)Law varies from countries to county. Country law is according to their political and economic situation. And design by Government and society. Law deal all aspects of business either it is contract, employment, tax regulation, property protection, company law, competition, health and safety, environment, human right, product liability, trade mark, patents, nationalization, currency exchange, and foreign currency. Court or judicial system exercises such law in country. In most countries court system is weak, and law change regularly with change in government. Corruptions in system, conflict are settling outside courts. Delay in court decision. Judicial system is not free in work under the supervision of the government. For example Pakistan where judicial system is unstable and government supervise court. This created lots of security problems in country. And it have considerable unfavourable situation for foreign investor. J9)In some causes country law put barrier in way of foreign investor. Country law put restriction on transfer of funds. This creates transfer risk for international business. High tax rates on foreign investment. Restrict export and import policy. Analyses of international business before invest in a country. Business has information about common, civil, public and criminal law. And have idea about country law for foreign investment. How local law protect the intellectual property like trademark, patents, registration and copyright. How the court or judicial system work, court system in country is strong or weak, law have their own freedom or it work under the supervision of government. Business has information about law of data protection and personal details. How health and safety, human right regulation work at the place of work. International business can get such information from sources World bank report, human right organisation, UNO, country financial report, news, and country legal report. 6.5 Financial instability J10) Financial instability slows down development process in the countries. Stock market of the country goes down. Trade decreases and done with considerable high prices. Financial institution is in deficit. Taxes and interest rate are increases. Current account of the country goes in deficit. External borrowings are increases. Federal Reserve of the country decreases. Remittances are goes down. Fiscal position of the country becomes weak. Country cut down the social security and other health care benefit of general public. Cash flow in country slow down. Prices go high and selling decreases. Government spending in country goes down. Country exports are decreases. Unemployment increases, crime rate are high, capital loss and bankruptcies are the result of the financial instability. In such condition there are rear recovery solutions.journal11) Financial instability in country rise due to following reasons Un-proper economic policies monetary, fiscal and exchange rate. Poor risk management of financial intuitions. Weakness of the government intuitions. Wrong measurement of the international financial market. J12 In this situation their are many risk for international business to invest in such country. Where exchange rate is not fixing and fluctuated regularly. It is a real risk for investor. Under and over valuation of the money caused loss to investor. For example currency rate of Pakistan is regularly fluctuated although country foreign policies is very relax to attract the foreign investor but due to financial instability international business are reluctant to invest in Pakistan economy. J13)Sovereign is another risk for international investor. When host country is not able to meet loan obligation. Country is run out of foreign exchange due to financial instability. 6.6 Location and neighbourhood (Jour14)Location and neighbourhood play an important role on the stability of the country. Stability in country and good relationship with their neighbourhood are favourable condition for international business. Countries with same culture, value, ethic and believes, establish a economic bloc where neighbour country share free trade, no restriction of immigration, and they enjoy the same currency. And remove all barriers from trade and they enjoy smooth business with each other. For example the European countries they have free trade agreement. And have one common currency. This brings stability in countries and economic progress as well. If business invest in one of country. Business can cover the market of it neighbouring countries as well. For example Nissan and Toyota establish plant in UK and it covers the whole Europe market. Journal15) On other hand countries in area where situation is not stable. It has effect on other countries. For example Chechnya was in state of war due to Chechen war whole reign was in uncertain condition. It war effect economic and political instability in neighbour countries as well. Similarly Pakistan border are near to Afghanistan and India. Pakistan political and domestic relationship with India is not good and both have many dispute. This creates instability in area. On other part of Pakistan have Afghanistan border. Afghanistan is suffering with terrorist activity in the area. Such terrorist activity are now inter inside of Pakistan area. As the distance increases from the investor country it increases in risk of control and communication problem. It cause delay in business operation. Some causes business not gives quick response to economic and political changes in the area. Due distanced of management control from the host country. 7. Table 1 Instability impact by investment types Direct investment short term financial short term loan long term loan Instabilityprivate sectorprivate sectorto governmentto government Economic High Low Low Moderate Political High Low Moderate High Culture High Low Low Low Legal Moderate High High High Financial High High High High Location High Moderate Low Moderate Table show the impact of instability on type of investment. Journal 9 8. List of unstable countries of the world: Venezuela Pakistan Colombia Indonesia Ecuador Nigeria Ivory coast North Korea Journal 16 9. Conclusion and recommendation The process of location of foreign operation in a new country must be carried out carefully. Firm which aim to invest in foreign country need to make analysis of capital development, economic, political, culture, and legal stability not to make analysis on the risk involved in country. Almost of countries have risk in past. the investment of international firm bring changes in the situation. And country becomes economically stable. The country with risk has no competitor in the area. And with inter of international business it make positive impact. Create more employment, which increases consumption power of people. International business have high rate of profit. As the international business making contribution toward the economy of the country the government of host country give international business some relaxation in law and ensure him all kind of security as business need to do their operation. In order to minimise risk in foreign operation international business need to inter into new county as trader (exporter-importer) or most commonly inter as joint venture with same size local company.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Key Business Issues Relating to Best Value Management

The â€Å"Key Business Issues Relating to Best Value Management and Strategic Development in the Housing/Regeneration Industry & New Business and Asset Management† are inclusive of what is termed â€Å"Best Value†. In the Housing Industry the 4Cs of best value are applied to every review. The four â€Å"Cs† are: (1) Challenging why and how a service is being provided; (2) comparing performance with the performance of others in the industry; (3) embrace of fair competition as a means of securing efficient and effective services; (4) consulting with local taxpayers, customers and the wider business community. Under the Best Value standard, local authorities have a duty to make arrangements to â€Å"secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.† (What is Best Value?, 2006) Best Value is defined as â€Å"providing local people what they want, when they want it, at a price they are willing and able to pay. It's also about being imaginative in how local needs are met.† (What is Best Value?, 2006) Other principles of Best Value are stated to include: Being accountable to local people. They have to listen to and consult the people they are there to serve. They have to report regularly on what they have achieved and what they are planning. Looking to continuously improve. Sometimes this will come through many small changes, sometimes through larger changes when the existing service is fundamentally challenged. Setting targets and publicly reporting achievement against them. Cutting across departmental boundaries, rather than just looking at services individually. Councils can also work with other local agencies to tackle issues beyond the reach of a single service and need co-operative working with partner bodies. Developing partnerships with the private sector, with communities and agencies, and between authorities. These partnerships will be able to review services jointly, develop local plans, acting together to achieve local outcomes, and provide services in some cases. Being open about service delivery. Councils shouldn't assume that they should deliver activities if other more efficient and effective means are available. This is not to say however that authorities must contract their services out – what matters is what works best for delivering services to the community, so an open mind is needed. (What is Best Value?, 2006) PART A – Critical Review of the Existing Key Business Issues Related to Best Value Management and Strategic Development in the Housing Management, Regeneration, New business and Asset Management Industry. In the assessment of DHA the comments provided by the inspecting agency were in the areas of the following which require improvement: (1)Effective Financial and Corporate Governance; (2)Asset management, including repairs and response management; (3)Reinvestment in Current Stock to meet the Decent Home Standards; (4)Poor procurement and project management systems; (7)High levels of social behavior and poor neighborhood communities. According to the standards of ‘Best Practice' in this industry accountability to the local people is considered critical. It is necessary that Dante Housing Association ‘listen' to the residents; it is critical that Dante Housing Association ‘consult' with the residents; and it is critical that Dante Housing Association ‘report' on a ‘regular basis' to the residents and inform them what plans are in process. All of these actions herein stated fall directly in line with numbers 1, 2, 4, 5, and are associated with number 7 of the problem areas that must be focused on in the six months allotted for Dante Housing Association, hereafter referred to as DHA to make the necessary changes and improvements. In fact, the continuous view toward improvement is necessary to be instituted into the principles and practices of DHA so it is important that this perspective and standard be initiated into all aspects of improvement toward which this report is focused. The regular reporting and accounting publicly is critical as well in the process of instituting ‘Best Value' standards for DHA because to meet the goals that are set for DHA is not enough, because without reporting of these goals and their achievement publicly then the public will not be aware of what DHA is doing and may assume that DHA is doing nothing. DHA must institute a principle of collaboration across boundaries both within and outside of DHA in order to attain the best prices, gain the cooperation and assistance of other agencies position to offer such assistance because so many times the changes that are needed are bigger than DHA has the capacity to provide single-handedly. This leads to the next issue which is the need for DHA to establish partnerships and cooperative efforts with other companies in both the public and private sector and for the reasons as just stated. Finally, DHA must agree to consider options available in services delivery and if outsourcing some of these delivery of services might mean savings, efficiency and effectiveness then DHA must prepare itself to make the necessary changes to deliver services in the most effective and efficient manner possible.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Gandhi, King and Mandela: What Made Non-Violence Work?

All through history governments and empires have been overthrown or defeated primarily by the violence of those who oppose them. This violence was usually successful however, there have been several situations, when violence failed, that protesters have had to turn to other methods. Non-violent protesting never seemed to be the right course of action until the ideology of Mohandas Gandhi spread and influenced successful protests across the world. Non-violent methods were successfully used, most notably, by Mohandas Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., and Nelson Mandela. Mohandas Gandhi’s methods not only led to India’s independence from Britain but also had victories over racial discrimination in South Africa. Gandhi saw, upon his return to India from South Africa, that Britain had run India’s people into poverty and subordination. Indians were not allowed to manufacture or own their own salt. This affected the poor population most because of how often they used salt. Gandhi began by writing to the English Governor in India describing his plan to â€Å"convert the British people through nonviolence and [to] make them see the wrong they have done to India† (Document 1). He felt that the â€Å"British rule [was] a curse†. Even though Gandhi spent a total of 2.338 days in prison, he â€Å"did not feel the slightest hesitation in entering the prisoner’s box† (Doc. 7). People followed Gandhi in his protests and many followed him into jail feeling â€Å"firm in [their] resolution of passing [their] terms in jail in perfect happiness and peace† (Doc. 7). While he was in jail, Mme. Naidu, an Indian poetess, filled in his position in leading protests. She encouraged the protesters by reiterating that â€Å"[they] must not use any violence†¦ [they would] be beaten but [they] must not resist†¦not even raise a hand to ward off blows† (Doc. 4). The author felt that â€Å"the western mind finds it difficult to grasp the idea of nonresistance†, but this was not the case. Just 25 years later Martin Luther King, Jr. found his own kind of victory using Gandhi’s techniques. King began his career of peaceful protests as a follower, not a leader. In 1960, he â€Å"toke part in the lunch counter sit-ins† in order to â€Å"bring the whole issue of racial injustice under the scrutiny of the conscience of Atlanta† (Doc 2). King hoped to help not just the African-American population but the white population as well. By 1963, King had been chosen as head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference which sought to aid in the efforts to put an end to segregation. He accepted â€Å"volunteers to serve in [their] non-violent army† knowing that they would have to â€Å"accept and endure violence without retaliating† (Doc. 5). Their will to fight was from â€Å"the conviction that [they] were right†. King’s followers were so empowered that, for their participation in the Montgomery bus boycott, â€Å"people had rushed down to get arrested†¦ [they] were now proud to be arrested for the cause of freedom† (Doc. 8). King got white and blacks to work together for the â€Å"March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom† (Doc. 11). He wanted them to ‘b able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood†. Nelson Mandela used the same â€Å"Gandhian principles of nonviolence†¦that seeks to conquer through conversion† (Doc. 3). He lived under the strict laws of apartheid that separated the white Dutchmen from the native African population. In similar circumstances as M.L. King, Mandela supported the same acts of nonviolence in order to gain rights for South Africans. He knew that â€Å"attempts at violence†¦would be devastatingly crushed† under the power of the state. At his protests in Johannesburg in 1952, he knew that â€Å"the authorities would seek to intimidate, imprison, and perhaps attack [them]† (Doc. 6) however, like Gandhi, he encouraged the volunteers not to retaliate. Mandela spent 26 years and 8 months in jail as punishment for his protesting however, he felt that â€Å"no sacrifice was too great in the struggle for freedom† (Doc. 9). He spent time in jail with other protesters that all felt that â€Å"whatever sentences [they] received, even the death sentence†¦ [their] deaths would not be in vain† (Doc. 9). Freedom for the South African people from apartheid finally came in 1993. To Mandela this was not just the freedom of his people but â€Å"the freedom of all people, black and white† (Doc. 12). â€Å"South Africa’s New Democracy† rose after years of continuous nonviolence from the populace. Gandhi, King, and Mandela each fought for their causes with a method that was very rarely used but even less rarely successful. Their efforts at peaceful protest without retaliation to attacks were successful in overthrowing trans-continental rule and ending segregation of races. Gandhi transformed the idea of non-violence into a way to fight for freedom and justice which would ultimately end in success and peace.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty

Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Its Bid To Abolish Child Poverty â€Å"Because a fair society and the strongest possible economy depend upon leaving no one behind, Britain must build on the reforms taking nearly one million children out of poverty and give every child the best possible start in life. So our ambition is - by the end of the next decade - child poverty reduced by half - on our way to ending child poverty within twenty years.† - The Chancellor of the Exchequer, pre-budget report November 1999 Poverty rates in Britain rose sharply in the 1980s. In 1979, 12% of the populations were poor. Poverty here is defined as having net household income below 60% of the median income, after housing cost. By 1999 this had risen to 24%. The situation is even bleaker for children, with almost a third of children living in poor households in 1999. Shortly after taking office the New Labour Government made a commitment to halve child poverty within a decade and to abolish it within two decades. The guiding principle in achieving this goal was the belief that the best route out of poverty is through work. Consequently, the government introduced a plethora of social policy reforms designed to â€Å"make work pay† for individuals who had languished on benefits for too long. The primary policy introduced to change work incentives was the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), but other important policies such as the National Minimum Wage, the various New Deals, refo rms to the National Insurance system, the lower rate of Income Tax and a National Childcare Strategy were all designed as part of a package of welfare to work policies. In addition, the government is tackling the poverty issue by raising benefits for non-working families. Distribution of poor children by work hours of household Total hours worked by all persons in household Actual poverty patterns 1999 Projected poverty in 1999 if wo... Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty Free Essays on Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Abolishing Child Poverty Outline The Challenges Faced By The Government In Its Bid To Abolish Child Poverty â€Å"Because a fair society and the strongest possible economy depend upon leaving no one behind, Britain must build on the reforms taking nearly one million children out of poverty and give every child the best possible start in life. So our ambition is - by the end of the next decade - child poverty reduced by half - on our way to ending child poverty within twenty years.† - The Chancellor of the Exchequer, pre-budget report November 1999 Poverty rates in Britain rose sharply in the 1980s. In 1979, 12% of the populations were poor. Poverty here is defined as having net household income below 60% of the median income, after housing cost. By 1999 this had risen to 24%. The situation is even bleaker for children, with almost a third of children living in poor households in 1999. Shortly after taking office the New Labour Government made a commitment to halve child poverty within a decade and to abolish it within two decades. The guiding principle in achieving this goal was the belief that the best route out of poverty is through work. Consequently, the government introduced a plethora of social policy reforms designed to â€Å"make work pay† for individuals who had languished on benefits for too long. The primary policy introduced to change work incentives was the Working Families Tax Credit (WFTC), but other important policies such as the National Minimum Wage, the various New Deals, refo rms to the National Insurance system, the lower rate of Income Tax and a National Childcare Strategy were all designed as part of a package of welfare to work policies. In addition, the government is tackling the poverty issue by raising benefits for non-working families. Distribution of poor children by work hours of household Total hours worked by all persons in household Actual poverty patterns 1999 Projected poverty in 1999 if wo...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

DDay Success or Disaster essays

DDay Success or Disaster essays Twenty years after the end of the First World War a man named Adolph Hitler of Germany began a Second World War. On September 1, 1939 Germany invaded Poland, which had a treaty with France and England to protect them. The English, French and Polish were all unprepared to fight, and as a result were beaten terribly. By the next spring France had been totally taken by the Germans. While Germany and there allies, Italy, controlled all of the western part of Europe. England, France and now America had to figure a way to take the control of Europe again. There decision was to try and storm a beach in Normandy France. It would be one of the bloodiest war battles in U.S. History. This storming of Omaha Beach would be a success because even though the allies lost a lot of men, they still were able to take the beach, which led them to take the continent. This was the beginning of the end for Hitler and his Nazis. Hitler and his partners, Japan and Italy, made many mistakes, which op ened the door for the allied forces to make this operation possible. Germanys big mistake was that Hitler had assembled a massive naval fleet to try and invade England. Hitlers thinking was that if he did try to go against one of the greatest naval fleets in the world that he would not be able to get it done. He also realized that the British would anything to stop a German invasion. So Hitler delayed and eventually cancelled the attack. Even if he had lost the invasion into England, he could have at least damaged the British navy. His partner, Italy, had brought in northern Africa, and Japan brought the US in when they not only bombed the navy base Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, but also hit other U.S. possessions like the Philippians. Now that the U.S. was in the war, Germany had its hands full. The allies kept planning a time when they could go ashore and take control of France again. In the summer of 1942 Britain and Canada actually t...

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Question 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question 2 - Essay Example It is the interest which the insured stands to lose if the risk attaches. The risk that is therefore attached to every passenger in a public means of transport is varied to some extent (Soule, 1917 p. 210). The liability of Eastern Express’s insurance company on each of the individuals in this situation will depend on the interest that the train insured. Invariably, there are two or more parties who are always involved in an accident that occurs by a public means of transport. In this case, it is the train at fault. The insurance undertakes to pay compensation to the parties aggrieved by the accident on behalf of the driver or the company that insured the train. The insurance that such means of transport usually take among other things, provides insurance cover in respect of loss or damage that is suffered through damage of property or the death of the injury to any person resulting from an intentional or negligent act or omission by the operator or agents or servants of the o perator of the train in connection with the provisions of public passengers and transport services. Fred Fred has become permanently blind and his camera equipment, which he was transporting with him, was destroyed. While it is true that the eye sight of a film maker is essential to his job, this cannot be used as a basis to claim, future or anticipated loss of income. Fred had not yet made a deal with the television company, and it would therefore be had to calculate how much his income would have been. However, the insurance company will have to compensate him for the injuries that he has from the accident and the damage on his equipment. Albert Albert was 85 years old and suffering from terminal cancer. Even though Albert was already old and terminally ill, it would be evident that it was the accident that caused his death. However, given his age and his disease, the compensation would not be as much as for an individual who is still considered productive. His estate can only cla im compensation for the death that was caused by the accident. His age and state of health does not rule out the possibility and right to be compensated. Lydia Physically, she was unhurt but suffered Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which stopped her working for a year, after which time she was only able to work part-time shop-assistant. However, Lydia has not been able to work as a result of her condition and would therefore require that her loss of income should be taken into consideration. If she settled her claim before the effects of her condition, she would not be in a position to renegotiate. Her circumstances are very unique and as such there would be several things to be considered, including her ability to continue with the job that she was doing before the accident. She also has a right to claim for emotional stress and the depression that her condition has impacted on her life. Cynthia Cynthia, a doctor in the next carriage, was also killed. She is at the prime of her age and has a good job. If it is proved that she is the breadwinner of her family, it would be paramount to compensate her estate relative the loss that the family has suffered. Moreover, she has a dependant, a daughter who is 15 years old whose circumstances have to be taken to consideration. As to the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 59

Case study - Essay Example Unfortunately, the urban employment opportunities could only absorb a small section of the unemployed population. At the same time, the mining and demand for labor in the rural agricultural sector increased. The mining industry, involving companies like Shell and Texaco could only take contribute little to employment rates despite the revenue obtained from the sector. The relief to the employment status in the country was witnessed with the rise in industrialization, manufacturing, and politics. Manufacturing and government jobs became a source of employment for the skilled and educated people in the population. This caused a considerable decrease in unemployment rates from 15% to 9.9% in 1973. This was however to increase with economic challenge to a maximum of 20% in 1990. From this time, government efforts served to diversify the economy and reduce the rates. Unemployment rate is the measure of the proportion of employable people in the population who have lost their jobs or are unsuccessful in seeking jobs. The rate is an important indicator of economic productivity of a country (Dwivedi, 2001). A country that has a large number of people willing to work but cannot secure employment cannot realize its economic possibilities. In addition, high unemployment rate indicates poor economic wellbeing of the population. There are three major types of unemployment. First, there is the frictional unemployment. This refers to the proportion of people who are seeking suitable jobs. This means that they can at least secure jobs, but they are unemployed seeking better jobs. Secondly, there is cyclical unemployment. In this case, the unemployment rate increases with recession and decreases with the expansion in the business cycle. People are laid-off from companies and businesses during the recession and become unemployed. The third type of unemployment is structural unemployment. This happens when there is a mismatch

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept Research Paper

The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept - Research Paper Example The research paper "The Overview of the Finance Ethics Concept" discusses the concept of ethics in terms of the practice of finance as a discipline, an issue that is very indispensable in entirely all disciplines that define humanity. Several studies have always confirmed that without a proper ethical framework in place, finance comes to shambles. It is imperative that people are versed with all the relevant aspects of this field so that harmony and professionalism are realized in the field. Several ethical dilemmas will normally confront the players in the field and incase one is not well versed on how to conduct themselves; it could prove very difficult to manage such situations. However, much knowledge does exist on some of the dilemmas and the most appropriate strategies on how to tackle them. In such a case, it becomes important to learn them and get acquainted with them. The research process will involve the basic primary aspects in which case data will be sought in the field. Though the most relevant practitioners in the field will be part of the process and the data will be collected and analyzed using conventional statistical aspects. Both primary and secondary sources will be considered as sources of information. Also, it is hoped that the findings will reveal that a challenge really exists with respect to ethical conduct in the field of finance. It is further expected that people will indeed confirm that they have faced challenges regarding the concept.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Risk for food hypersensitivity Essay Example for Free

Risk for food hypersensitivity Essay Link To Nursing There is a growing concern among the population about food hypersensitivity as a primary health risk. Breast fed infants may potentially be exposed to a more diverse diet via variable components of milk transmitted from the mother, compared to the relatively static composition of commercial infant formulas. To determine whether or not breastfeeding might potentially decrease risk of food hypersensitivity is important to the field of nursing because nurses are in a primary position to educate their patients and the public about disease prevention and wellness practices to optimize health. The healthcare community has diagnosed an increase in food hypersensitivity over the past few decades and it is our duty and opportunity as nurses to work with a multidisciplinary team to develop and promote front-line evidence-based interventions. If breastfed infants demonstrate a decrease in the incidence of food hypersensitivity later in life, then subsequent efforts to educate the public could have an enormous positive impact on promoting long-term wellness for future generations. Primary Resource Venter, C., Pereira, B., Voigt, K., Grundy, J., Clayton, C., Higgins, B., Dean, T. (2009). Factors associated with maternal dietary intake, feeding and weaning practices, and the development of food hypersensitivity in the infant. Pediatric Allergy And Immunology: Official Publication Of The European Society Of Pediatric Allergy And Immunology, 20(4), 320-327. doi:10.1111/j.1399-3038.2008.00832.x

Saturday, October 26, 2019

C. Vann Woodwards The Strange Career of Jim Crow Essay -- Woodward St

C. Vann Woodward's The Strange Career of Jim Crow In the field of history, it is rare that an author actually comes to shape the events discussed in their writing. However, this was the case for C. Vann Woodward and his book, The Strange Career of Jim Crow. First published in 1955, it discusses this history of race relations in America, more specifically the Jim Crow laws he equates with the segregation of races. Woodward argues that segregation itself was a fairly new development within the South, and did not begin until after Reconstruction ended. He further argues that since the South has seen so much change, citing the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the development of the Jim Crow laws, it is possible for more changes to occur in a movement away from segregation. Though to a modern reader this seems like a logical argument following the events of history as they occurred, it must be remembered that Woodward was writing during the time period in which all of this was happening and nothing was certain. As William S. McFeely states in his afterword, what Woodward â€Å"so modestly stated, was, in fact, a call for the overthrow of what was perceived to be the very grounding of Southern society.† Unlike most historians, Woodward wrote about segregation and the Civil Rights Movement with such proximity that he came to affect public opinion of the time period as well as the final outcome of events. Furthermore, Woodward wrote with what we can now see to be accurate foresight as well as with a clear understanding of historical writing and the challenges it can pose. In order to support his argument that Jim Crow laws were not developed during the era of slavery in the South, the traditional belief, but rather later in ... ...ctive. But someone has to make a beginning.† Making a beginning is exactly what C. Vann Woodward accomplished with the publication of The Strange Career of Jim Crow. A Southerner, he rebelled against other interpretations, unafraid of provoking anger or disagreement during his era. It is his work which laid the groundwork for future publications and in turn greatly influenced Americans’ opinions of his era and thereafter. Any criticisms of his interpretations would be due to his inability to see the future, and these were usually mistakes he attempted to remedy through revisions and later publications of the book, which, in a true testament to its importance, has yet to go out of print. When the rare occurrence of a historical work affecting the course of history occurs, such as this one, the importance of both the work and the historian becomes clear.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Family and Young Boy Charley

Book Report â€Å"For One More Day†, By Mitch Albom Made by: Kitti Kristanti, Sec 1d For One More Day â€Å"This is a story about a family, and as there is a ghost involved, you might call it a ghost story. But every family is a ghost story  . The dead sit at our tables long after they have gone. † This is a beautiful, haunting novel about the family we love and the chances we miss. It explores the question, â€Å"What would you do if you could spend one more day with the ones you love? †Ã‚   The story  covers a conversation  Charley Benetto has with a sports writer.Throughout the conversation he goes back and forth between  the one last day he had with his mother and the important  events in his life, sharing his feelings– both past and present– about them. I particularly enjoyed the   way he shared throughout the book little vignettes of the times his mother stood up for him and the times he didn’t stand up for her. As a mother myself, I couldn’t help wondering if someday my own children would be able to look back and see with clarity the sacrifices I have made for them.Throughout the book I ‘heard’ some of the same things from the young boy Charley that I hear from my own children. It was rewarding and brought hope to see him come to a realization of how his interpretation of the events had been inaccurate and skewed by emotions in the moment. Perhaps my children will also understand someday As a young boy Charley Benetto makes the choice to be a daddy’s boy and does everything his father asks him to. Then his father disappears, leaving a broken family and an embarrassing situation for the young Charley to endure.Being raised by a single mother has it’s challenges and plenty of embarrassment, many that Charley takes out on his mother. â€Å"So he chooses his father, and he worships him- right up to the day the man disappears. An eleven-year-old Charley must then turn to his mother, who bravely raises him on her own, despite Charley’s emabarrassment and yearning for a complete family. †   Ã¢â‚¬ Decade later, Charley is a broken man. His life has been crumbled by alcohol and regret. He loses his job. He leaves his family. He hits bottom after discovering his only daughter has shut him out of her wedding.And he decides to take his own life. † â€Å"He makes a midnight ride to his small home-town, with plans to do himself in. But upon failing to do that, he staggers back to his old house, only to make an astonishing discovery. His mother- who died eight years earlier- is still living there, and welcomes him home as if nothing had ever happened. † â€Å"What follows is the one ‘ordinary’ day so many of us yearn for, a chance to make good with a lost parent, to explain family secrets, and to seek forgiveness. Somewhere between this life and the next, Charley learns the things he never knew about his mother and h er sacrifices.And he tries, with her tender guidance, to put the crumbled pieces of his life back together. † I related to this story on many levels. As a single mother myself I could relate to many of the experiences described and gained insight into what my children may be experiencing as a result of events they have no control over. As a daughter  who has at times experienced a  strained relationship with my own mother,   I gained  valuable insights into my own childhood memories and interpretations and was  reminded, again, that there is much more to the story that I do not completely understand.And as always– the betrayal revealed in the end made the recent and  painful betrayal of my own life seem small and insignificant in comparison. This clever story, told in Mitch’s masterful storytelling style, has left me with a new appreciation and understanding for those I love and has motivated me to be more intentional in valuing and cherishing the rel ationships I enjoy with those I love so that I will not be left with regrets for the experiences and the love lost. I highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever been a part of a family, who has ever lived with regrets, and who has ever questionned the value of their very existence.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wgu Kot 2

Medicare, the Uninsured, and International Healthcare Review Western Governors University Medicare, the Uninsured, and International Healthcare Review Healthcare and healthcare reform are hot topics of debate in today's society. As the population grows and life expectancy increases, the nation faces many challenges in providing healthcare benefits to the people. â€Å"According to the report, titled Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010, 49. 9 million Americans or 16. 3 percent of the total US population had no health insurance in 2010.That percentage represents a slight increase on 2009’s figures, when 49 million citizens or 16. 1 percent of the population was uninsured† (Gamser, 2011). Unless there is a turnaround in their economic downfall, unemployment rate, and healthcare reform these numbers will most likely continue to increase. This paper will discuss some of these issues and how they impact two different families. The paper wi ll look at Mrs. Zwick, a 77-year-old female who was hospitalized for five days following a minor stroke and is then transferred to the skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation.Her rehabilitation is delayed 10 days into her stay due to a hospital acquired urinary tract infection. Discussion will include coverage for her medical care using Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D. Discussion will also include how the hospital acquired infection is not reimbursed by Medicare. Finally the paper will discuss how Mr. Davis, a gentleman with chronic sickle cell anemia and loses his job position due to his illness, will have the option to continue insurance coverage by way of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).Discussion will include two challenges that state or local government face when providing care for the uninsured with long-term or chronic illnesses. Elaboration on one of the challenges will be further described. Due to his frustrations with loss of his employmen t, healthcare coverage, and his chronic sickle cell anemia, Mr. Davis verbalizes he wish he lived in another country. Through investigation of healthcare in Great Britain, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland this paper will discuss which of these countries would best benefit Mr. Davis if you ere to become a citizen there. Mrs. Zwick was hospitalized for five days following a mild stroke, and then transferred to a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation with projected discharge in 21 days. However it is discovered that she developed a hospital acquired urinary tract infection 10 days into her rehabilitation requires IV antibiotics to treat. The infection leads per week and unable to continue her rehabilitation until the urinary tract infection is cleared. As a result, instead of 21 days in rehabilitation she has to stay 40 days.When discharged she was giving a prescription for several medications and a walker. Her daughter inquires about the bills from other is insured with Medicare Part A, Part B and Part D and asks the nurse if she can explain the benefits to her. Medicare Part A, which is also known as hospital insurance, is usually provided free since Medicare taxes are paid into the program while working. â€Å"Part A is hospital insurance that helps cover inpatient care in hospitals, skilled nursing facility, hospice, and home health care† (Medicare. gov, n. d. ). Cherry and Jacob (2011, p. 28) states that Medicare is a federal health insurance plan for Americans 65 and older and certain disabled people. The client must be eligible for Social Security or Railroad retirement. The nurse would explain that Medicare Part A will cover the cost of the hospital stay as well as the skilled nursing and rehabilitation stay. Medicare Part B she explains is considered to be the medical insurance. This will cover services such as physician services, services and supplies that are needed to diagnose and treat her medical condition and would also cover certain pr eventative services such as flu vaccines (Medicare. ov, n. d. ). This would cover the rehabilitation services that her mother has received while in the rehabilitation center as well as the walker that was prescribed by the physician at the time of discharge. Medicare Part D is the prescription drug plan. There are various options under this portion of Medicare and depending on the one that your mother has chosen would base the amount of coverage that she would receive for prescription medications. This does not necessarily cover the full cost of the prescription medications; there are deductibles and copayments that must be met. The hospital acquired rinary tract infection that Mrs. Zwick developed during her hospital stay is not covered by Medicare. Research of an article in Medical News Today states: â€Å"Starting in 2009, Medicare, the US government's health insurance program for elderly and disabled Americans, will not cover the costs of â€Å"preventable† conditions, m istakes and infections resulting from a hospital stay. So for instance, if you are on Medicare and you pick up a hospital acquired infection while you are being treated for something that is covered by Medicare, the extra cost of treating the hospital acquired infection will no longer be paid for by Medicare.Instead, the bill will be picked up by the hospital itself since the rules don't allow the hospital to charge it to you† (Paddock, 2007). Healthcare acquired infections (HAI) not only contribute to exorbitant amounts of financial burden on the healthcare system but also attribute to staggering numbers of patient deaths. â€Å"Healthcare acquired infections (HAIs) are infections that patients contract while receiving treatment for medical and surgical conditions. The U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that HAIs contracted in U. S. ospitals account for approximately two million infections, 99,000 deaths, and an estimated $4. 5 billion in excess costs annually† (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009) More recent results show a very minuscule decline in these types of infections. It is but a mere scratch at the surface of the deeply rooted problem within our healthcare systems. There are ethical implications as well in treating Mrs. Zwick’s healthcare acquired infection. As healthcare providers, there is a duty to do no harm. Ethically we must do the right thing as an advocate for patient safety.To attain these standards the healthcare provider must diligently be cognizant of infection control measures and ways to improve current practice. Examples include strict hand hygiene, aseptic technique, and current best practice as defined by evidenced based medicine. The continuous monitoring and surveillance of all healthcare acquired infections looking for trends. Perhaps it is a specific hospital unit or employee. These identifiers will assist through education and competency in the correction and preven tion of future occurrences.Healthcare as a whole also has an ethical obligation to make known to the patient, patient families and the community these HAI’s when discovered. This paper will now focus on Mr. Davis who was terminated by his employer for extended absences due to hospitalizations from chronic sickle cell anemia. Even though Mr. Davis is unemployed his employer must offer him the opportunity to continue his healthcare benefit under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA).COBRA requires employers with more than 20 employees to provide the employee and his family the opportunity to continue medical benefits for up to 18 months. This includes voluntary or involuntary job loss, decreased work hours, changing jobs, and various life changing events. The employee may be responsible for paying the entire premium to continue this healthcare coverage. COBRA can also impose fines of up to $110 per day to employers that fail to offer continued healthcare be nefits to the separated employee. (U. S. Department of Labor, n. d. ) Should Mr.Davis remain unemployed beyond the 18 month limit imposed by COBRA, state and local government are usually called upon to provide assistance. There are options available but often times these require months or even years to get assistance and quite frequently require the assistance of an attorney to receive benefits. Medicaid is probably the most widely known and the recommended source of state medical assistance. The Medicaid program is a federal and state grant program that used primarily for the disabled, low income families with dependent children, and people who are confined in nursing homes with low income levels.The state is responsible for setting the guidelines of eligibility for this program. Once Medicaid is approved for an individual, the coverage can be retroactive for up to three months from the time it was approved. Indigent and underinsured medical care must be funded by state and local g overnment. This challenge is usually met through taxation. Each municipality and sometimes healthcare district must budget to provide care for its citizens through state and local tax. Depending on the economic region this can present a huge challenge.For example, areas of Florida where migrant farmers are present may have to budget more for healthcare than a wealthier district such as West Palm Beach. So in reality, all working citizens pay for the indigent healthcare in their particular municipality. In Texas such budgeting and care is known as the Indigent Health Care and Treatment Act passed in 1985. This act spells out what basic services must be allowed for the indigent in each county. If more care is provided then it is the local governments’ responsibility to pay for it.Other state and local programs may include State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) which is also a state and national government run program designed for families that don't meet the minimum requirements for Medicaid due to income even though the income is still modestly below poverty level. Local and state governments may also provide other benefits such as free clinics, public health, Meals on Wheels, subsidized housing, discounted transportation services, food stamps, and free or discounted childcare for working parents.Local consumers have even pitched in by providing either free or drastically reduced prescription medications that are commonly prescribed to provide assistance during these tough economic times. Mr. Davis had mentioned in his frustration that at times he wished he lived in another country. His hope would be that healthcare would be more accessible to him. This paper will look at the healthcare system of four different countries Great Britain, Japan, Germany, and Switzerland. After a brief review of the healthcare systems in these countries this paper will focus on one country's health care system that would benefit Mr.Davis the most. Discussion of th is country's healthcare system will examine areas such as medication coverage, pre-existing conditions coverage, requirements if necessary for healthcare specialist evaluation and the access for retired people, children, and the unemployed. The healthcare system in Great Britain is considered to be socialized medicine. Basically what this means is that the citizens of Great Britain pay taxes for health care and in return the government-run National Health Service (NHS) provides and pays those funds to healthcare providers.There are no fees when a patient sees a physician since most physicians and nurses are government employees. In order to see a specialist patients must first visit there general practitioner for a referral. Physician visits are free; however there are fees for prescription medications. â€Å"Young people and the elderly are exempt from all drug co-pays† (Public Broadcast System, n. d. ). A major problem with this healthcare system according to Tanner (2008 p . 4) is the extremely long waits for healthcare and depending upon the patient's severity of illness, a procedure such as an open heart surgery for someone deemed too ill or too old by the government may be denied treatment. Switzerland has long been considered to have one of the best healthcare systems in the world. However it is not without its drawbacks. The overall cost for healthcare and Switzerland is second only to the United States. Even still is far less than what the United States spends on healthcare. All residents residing in Switzerland are required to purchase basic healthcare insurance with them three months of residency.Swiss law requires all citizens to purchase a basic package of health insurance, an individual mandate. The term basic benefits package is somewhat misleading since the required benefits are quite extensive, including inpatient and outpatient care, care for the elderly and the physically and mentally handicapped, long-term nursing home care, diagnosti c tests, prescription drugs, and complementary and alternative therapies. (Tanner, 2008 p. 25) The Swiss government does provide assistance for those that are low income and can't afford to pay the healthcare premiums.It is expected that citizens pay no more than 10% of their income on healthcare premiums. Referrals to specialists are not required by the primary care physician. There are no exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Private rooms in the hospital and dental insurance require a supplemental policy and are not covered in the basic plan. Healthcare in Germany is based primarily on two types of insurances, public and private insurance. Anyone earning a salary in Germany must have public health insurance. This public health insurance covers not only the employee of German citizenship but all nonworking dependents as well.There is no added cost for pre-existing conditions. Pregnant women are provided public health insurance for free. The premium for the insurance is around 5% of the person’s total income. Referrals are not required to see a specialist but higher co-pay may be charged. If a person opts out of the public health insurance for private insurance he cannot go back later to the public health insurance, even if income drops below the level required for private insurance (Underwood, 2009). The unemployed people are covered through a social fund which pays the physicians fee.This paper will now discuss the healthcare system in Japan. The Japan healthcare system would probably be the most beneficial for Mr. Davis of the four countries that we have researched. There are two types of healthcare insurance in Japan, National Health Insurance and Employees’ Health Insurance. Anyone who cannot afford healthcare insurance is provided with public assistance. The premium for the Employees’ Health Insurance is usually split between the employer and the employee; although there are some companies that will pay more. â€Å"Everyone in Ja pan is covered by insurance for medical and dental care and drugs.Insurers do not compete, and they all cover the same services and drugs for the same price† (Arnquist, 2009). The government decides on the fee schedule. Insurance premiums are not held or inflated for pre-existing conditions. Premiums are based on taxable income for the National Health Insurance. This insurance is for the self-employed, retirees and students. â€Å"The financial resources for unemployment benefits are covered by insurance premiums paid by employees and employers (they equally bear the amount equivalent to 0. 8% of workers' wages) and by the National Treasury† (The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, 2011).Healthcare is free for all children under the age of six. So as a result Mr. Davis would be well covered under Japan's healthcare system. Mr. Davis will have coverage for his medications, he would be able to see any specialist of his choice although a premium might be added without ha ving a referral, and there is no denial or rate increase for pre-existing conditions and the healthcare system provides for children, the unemployed and retired persons. In summation, this paper has discussed Medicaid Part A, B, and D. There is discussion on how COBRA would help Mr. Davis continue his insurance while he's out of work.There has been discussion of at least two challenges that both local and state government would face in providing care for Mr. Davis. And then finally there is some discussion of healthcare in Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, and of course Japan which is the system that was chosen for Mr. Davis. While researching this paper it is discovered that healthcare reform is needed not only in the United States of America but throughout the entire world as well. The hope is that one day everyone will be afforded some type of healthcare coverage. References Arnquist, S. (2009, August 25). Health care abroad: Japan.Retrieved from http://www. prescriptions. blo gs. nytimes. com/2009/08/25/health-care-abroad-japan/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2009, December 31). Healthcare acquired infection and prevention plan. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/HAI/pdfs/stateplans/or. pdf Cherry, B. , & Jacob, S. R. (2011). Contemporary Nursing issues, trends, & management (5th ed. ). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Mosby. Gamser, M. (2011, September 16). US Census Shows Little Change in Number of Uninsured Americans. Retrieved from http://www. globalsurance. com/blog/us-census-shows-little-change-in-number-of-uninsured-americans-420520. tml Medicare. gov (n. d. ). Medicare Benefits. Retrieved from http://www. medicare. gov/navagation/medicare-basics/medicare-benefits/part-a. aspx? AspxAutoDetectCookieSupport=1 Paddock, C. (2007, August 20). Medicare will not pay for hospital mistakes and infections, new rules. Retrieved from http://www. medicalnewstoday. com/articles/80074. php Public Broadcast System (n. d. ). Sick around the world. Retrieved f rom http://www. pbs. org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/countries/ Tanner, M. (2008, March 18). The grass is not always greener: a look at national health care systems around the world.Retrieved from http://www. scribd. com/doc/13673626/–the–grass–is–not-always–greener–a–look–at–national–health–care-systems–around–the–world–Cato–policy–analysis–no–613– The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan (2011). Second periodic report by the government of Japan under articles 16 and 17 of the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. Retrieved from http://www. mofa. go. jp/policy/human/econo_rep2/article9. html U. S. Department of Labor (n. d. ). Health plans & benefits, continuation of health coverage-COBRA. Retrieved from http://www. dol. gov/dol/topic/health-plans/cobra. htm Underwood, A. (2009,